I'm a complete sucker


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2016
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San Diego, CA
Goofy (YNA), Oscar (Goffin 'too). Foster bird Betty (RLA). RIP Cookie, 1991-2016 ('tiel), Leo (Sengal), Charlotte (scarlet macaw). Grand-birds: Liam (budgie), Donovan (lovebird), RIP Angelo (budgie)
As many of you know, one of my sonā€™s little budgies passed away on Monday. He was devastated. I paid for a necropsy to insure that he didnā€™t pass from anything contagious, which he did not. Well, later that day, that same son had an appointment with one of his orthopedists. He found out that heā€™s going to need major reconstructive surgery on his left shoulder pretty soon. It was pretty hard on him, as heā€™s been hoping to go more than a few months without surgery, and almost made it to the six month mark, so he was pretty bummed.

Well, on the way home from the orthoā€™s office, we had to stop by the bird store to get more pellets for the birds that eat pellets. While I was getting what I needed, and of course browsing the toy selections because one can never have enough bird toys, he visited the nursery. When I went to collect him he was playing with this little love bird, and smiling for the first time since his little Angelo passed away. I let him play with the bird for about a half hour, and he was just so happy. And, Iā€™m a sucker. So, meet Donovan. Or Donna. Iā€™ll get him DNA tested soon.

How cute! Donovan is adorable! I love the soft colors. I'm glad s/he brought a smile to your son's face again. Losing one is so hard. I'm so sorry to hear about Angelo. RIP sweet baby.

Your son will have another little buddy by his side recovering from surgery. That's a drag. I hope he makes it through smoothly.
What a beautiful love bird, an apt species considering the situation. I am sure Donovan/Donna will help assuage your son's pain from the loss of Angelo and the need for major surgery.
Thanks! He's certainly a cutie! And a feisty one! He's a baby, only four months old and not tame yet, so I'm helping him tame the little guy. I've never had a baby bird before, so this is a new experience. I'm really glad I've been reading this forum, so I have an idea of what to do, and what to direct him to do! Donovan is tentatively approaching my son's hand when it has food in it, so very good progress so far.
What a wonderful thing you did for your son. Welcome, Donovan!!
AWWwwwww Beatrice!! You are like the BEST MOM EVER!!! :D :D

I feel for your son..the loss of his cherished little budgie,and now the thought of probably being on the recovery for some time and now he has a new friend to look forward to..awesome!

Well done, suckerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
I love you, Beatrice!
That is a beautiful bird, exactly the same as Kiki, our senior hen (11 years old and still rules our house).

I think that is an blue series australian cinnimon (sp?). Some of those colours are gender specific but I'm not sure whether that is the case for that mutation. I've never seen a boy one, though.

It is a recessive split though so when Kiki had a green lovebird as her husband, all of her kids were green. But after he passed away and she bonded with a yellow guy (different type with the peach coloured face and red brow) her kids came out the same as him.

Have fun!

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