ideal temperature to try to maintain for parrot


New member
Apr 4, 2007
question... i live in california where the weather typically is warm most of the time year round.

this last winter it got really really cold! my parrot is outside in a large cage but at night we throw over a blanket.. im afraid its not keeping the temperature warm or at least ideal...

should i be concerned with putting him indoors at night but putting him outside in his normal outside cage during the warm/hot days?
first what kind of parrot and I would bring him inside for some socialization if he spends alot of time outside.
Think this is one of the questions where there isn't a steadfast rule,

I know of people who leave their birds out all year round, and we are in the UK, cold wet and miserable, I personally would bring mine in, just because of the cold, and then socialising him. What Parrot do you have? I'm assuming its one of the amazons, :D

Does he live outside all year round normally? Does he have somewhere he can get into if it gets too cold?
What temperature did it get down to? I would think he would be okay because birds have a layer of down feathers that keeps them warm.

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