I want to freeflight train, do i vaccinate first?

Oct 22, 2024
none at the moment.
rip mango
rip pip
rip SpongeBob
rip patrik
hello, im thinking of getting a parrot ( a blue and gold macaw most likely unless someone has better advice, on my other thread) im working with a breeder to ensure any parrot is healthy but was wondering if vaccines are a must if i train freeflight? i would love some insight in to what other people have done/ what you think i should do
thank you!
Such a complicated issue... I would consult an avian veterinarian.

Certified Avian Vets
If none are near you...
Avian Veterinarians
In my opinion, any of the vets listed here should be better than a regular vet.
International contacts, too.
If none are near you, maybe you could call and ask for a recommendation for somebody in your area.
And... sometimes, distant vets will offer brief thoughts or advice...
Or... sometimes I find a place to start just by Googling "avian veterinarian near ((your location))"
Good for you for planning/researching!
Where in the World are you planning on doing Free-Flight?

If it is in North America, it is important to understand that there has been a major increase in the numbers of Hawks and Eagles arounds NA. Although a BG Mac is commonly large enough to cause a young Hawk to avoid them, an Adult Red Tail would see it as an easy meal.

Add general issues with fly-aways and you will have lots of money into your Mac to be little more than a Red Tail's dinner.

Vaccines !?!?

Understand that unless you have a background with owning Large Parrots, you will likely have difficulties with caring for a Mac and likely housing one as unless you own your home, most apartments do not allow Large Parrots.

Strongly recommend that you volunteer your time at a Parrot Rescue or a Pet Store that sells Large Parrots. Starting at the bottom (cleaning cages and feeding) and working up as you develop basic knowledge in caring for Large Parrots.
Where in the World are you planning on doing Free-Flight?

If it is in North America, it is important to understand that there has been a major increase in the numbers of Hawks and Eagles arounds NA. Although a BG Mac is commonly large enough to cause a young Hawk to avoid them, an Adult Red Tail would see it as an easy meal.

Add general issues with fly-aways and you will have lots of money into your Mac to be little more than a Red Tail's dinner.

Vaccines !?!?

Understand that unless you have a background with owning Large Parrots, you will likely have difficulties with caring for a Mac and likely housing one as unless you own your home, most apartments do not allow Large Parrots.

Strongly recommend that you volunteer your time at a Parrot Rescue or a Pet Store that sells Large Parrots. Starting at the bottom (cleaning cages and feeding) and working up as you develop basic knowledge in caring for Large Parrots.
oceania is where i would train,
i would appreciate insight as to what you believe the difficulties would be and you believe in vaccines.
Have long enjoyed Parrots as part of our life and during all those decades have never had our Certified Avian Vet discussed vaccinations for our Parrots.
thank you! i was wondering if it was necessary as i have seen a lot of people having mixed opinions.
Have long enjoyed Parrots as part of our life and during all those decades have never had our Certified Avian Vet discussed vaccinations for our Parrots.
Same here. Are vaccinations even a thing for parrots?

Good luck with the free-flight thing. No way would I ever attempt that. My vet told me about a client’s parrot that was sitting on her owner’s shoulder while she was doing chores in the garage with the garage door open. A hawk flew into the garage and within seconds, grabbed the parrot and flew off with it never to be seen again. A freak situation for sure, but nature is cruel. You run the very real risk of your bird flying away on its own or a bird of prey flying off with it. Your bird, your choice, but know the very real risks.
Same here. Are vaccinations even a thing for parrots?

Good luck with the free-flight thing. No way would I ever attempt that. My vet told me about a client’s parrot that was sitting on her owner’s shoulder while she was doing chores in the garage with the garage door open. A hawk flew into the garage and within seconds, grabbed the parrot and flew off with it never to be seen again. A freak situation for sure, but nature is cruel. You run the very real risk of your bird flying away on its own or a bird of prey flying off with it. Your bird, your choice, but know the very real risks.
hello yes, i am very well aware of the risks as this isnt my first time training freeflight, in the evebt that i potencially train freeflight would ensure its in an inclosed apace away from predators
hello, im thinking of getting a parrot ( a blue and gold macaw most likely unless someone has better advice, on my other thread) im working with a breeder to ensure any parrot is healthy but was wondering if vaccines are a must if i train freeflight? i would love some insight in to what other people have done/ what you think i should do
thank you!
No way ! There is no need to vaccinated the birds !!!
My GCC Squeaky has an Avian Polynoma vaccine once a year. The first shot was given by the breeder.

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