I want a caique

Everything I wrote above relates especially to Sun Conures, as it's the species of my personal bird. They're famous for being veeeery noisy birds (loud, shrilling voice - contact call). Some conures are more vocal, some others are less but man they ARE loud. That's also something to consider. And, they can become "one person bird", fall in love with one family member and hate others. I had to give up on getting a male for my Cytrynka, who (apart from being a beautiful conure) was deeply in love with his previous owner but attacked her daughter at any occasion.

Please take time to do a through research, as you already know - owning a parrot is a very long commitment (conures can live up to 30yrs, we have a Patagonian here who just had his 35th b-day), and there's no reason to rush. I just want to make sure that your decision will be the best one for the parrot you want to adopt.

And regarding your Qs: Cinnamon conure is just a color variety of a Green Cheek Conure. Which is better? There's no "better" parrot. Best parrot is the one that you love most.....
I would definitely wait until Heero has gone through puberty before even considering another---monumental changes can and do occur (not just toward you, but towards other members of the flock---human or bird).

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