I think this may have gotten lost in the silliness of my other thread!

Birdbrain91 - Thanks for the reply! Do you think it would be bad even as a temp cage? There was one cage I could probably get while still living where I am right now because I have room for a cage about a foot longer where Folgers cage is located right now. I would just have to move the light where it used to be. But I wouldn't want to get two new cages for him. I figured when we moved I would get one of those big double macaw cages if I got him as a permanent cage.

He only seems to do the wing thing when he is out. I think its because we all tell him how pretty he is and fawn all over him when he does it:) I still have to see what the owners of the rescue think about me adopting Max. But I didn't want to have a serious discussion with them if I can't figure a way to make it work right now. Know what I mean?

For that house I want to build one day I always imagined a couple inside aviaries for the birds to be in most of the time when I'm not home... sigh I need that place now lol
Sorry I couldn't post before now. I understand about not wanting to buy 2 new cages. I think it would be ok for short periods of time or as a sleeping cage but I would hate to see him in it all day. How old is Max? Two things to think about.

1. When I was adopting Wesley (13) I was looking at a 32" and they said they wouldn't let me adopt him with that small of a cage. They said he was a very active bird and needed more room to move around in. I would talk to the rescue and see what they think. They will know Max's personality and how active he is. Smaller cage means less toys in it which could lead to bordom and we know what happens with that.

2. Wesley doesn't fully extend his right wing and can't fly. The vet looked at it and couldn't find anything wrong with it (no indication of arthritis or a past injury). The vet could extend it without Wesley being in any pain, he just can't do it by himself. He thinks maybe his cage was to small and never fully extended the right one and doesn't know how to. He was in a 36" cage.

That's my .02 worth. I hope it helps.
Max is 25 years old. Been with the same family his whole life but the kids didn't want him and the parents were getting older.

I will ask what the shelter thinks about the cage size and his activity level plus about me in particular adopting Max. He would probably be out most of the day as long as he is friendly with everyone in the house. My mother also mentioned that they might lend me a cage until we move since we are volunteers. They tend to help their volunteers out when they need it:)
I hope it all works out for you. I also volunteer at a shelter and that's how I found Wesley. Keep us posted on how it all turns out.
Well if it doesn't fall together then it wasn't meant to be! At least that is what I believe. I will keep everyone updated on if I get him or any potential adopters for the sweet guy if I don't work out for him:)

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