I think my parrot afraid of the dark?


New member
Aug 24, 2024
Double yellow head amazon
I am starting to think my double yellow head amazon is afraid of the dark every time i put Theyre cover they start running to the only spot where theyres light does this mean they are scared of the dark or just dont want to sleep?
Its not uncommon for parrots to not like total darkness. For one thing , they have poor night vision! I leave 3-4" of space at the bottom of my Amazons cage to let in minor ambient light.
Parrots have excellent daylight based sight, but poor to no sight in the darkness.

As stated above, my good friend, provides minimal ambient light. We do not cover our DYHA at night.
MAYBE, they are afraid of the cover. My Goffins, most of the time, wants nightlight left on, lol. When she was a baby and cage next to my bed(she slept in bed w/me for awhile)i had to train her to sleep in her cage, she would throw a FIT!! I tried a sheet but she chewed through it to scream at me to let her back in the bed, so no cover-EVER, lol. My new baby BFA is on her own schedule sun-up-sun-down. Both grls cages are in front of large windows with curtains. At bedtime, curtains are pulled-to and lights are off.
Fear of the dark is fairly common amongst parrots— Rico doesn’t like complete darkness, and he’s rarely had his cage covered (there have been times where I have, but under certain circumstances). I have found that he is more likely to have a night fright when he’s in total darkness.

Birds don’t NEED to be covered, and they actually do better without it! Lookie lookie:


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