I had Hotrod on top of the curtain rod so he could look out the window. I noticed my cat, Selah was looking at him funny. So I walked up to Hotrod and he had a ladybug wing next to him. So I am worried he ate a dead ladybug. I don't think it was alive because sometimes ladybugs get inside the house during ladybug season, but now love bug season is picking up. So I think it was dead, but not positive. Either way, a little after that when he pooped, it was like a brownish green. He eats a mixture of veggies, pellets, fruit, and seed, so I know his pellets can cause that.... but it is kind of freaking me out. Hotrod is being his normal self though.
Does anybody know if ladybugs can harm parrots? Maybe I am just overthinking this.
Does anybody know if ladybugs can harm parrots? Maybe I am just overthinking this.