I really need some help here

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  • #81
Okay, so I did it :) I bought Eddie a second cage. I decided that 570x570mm was too small so I opted for the bigger one which is a bit longer at 570x810mm. The other reason I chose the slightly bigger one was that it is really hard to transport his big cage to a baby sitter when we go away for a while. This one is small enough to fit in back of a station wagon, yet big enough for him to live in for a while if he had too. So now i just gotta pretty it up with some better perches and some toys and he will be ready to try it out...yay!

Instructions were practically useless, but who needs those? lol. A few hours of unpacking and fiddling and it was together ;). It fits JUST perfectly in the spare space (well the space i made for it lol) in my room, squished between the door and cupboard. It is small enough to be wheeled out the door and out to the veranda, so now he has a cage that can go anywhere in the house without TOO much hassle.

I sat a drink can on top for scale. Eddie is asleep atm so you will have to wait till tomorrow for him to model it for you ;)

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  • #83
Thanks Von,

I think he will be chuffed too :). I had to dig a little deeper into the pocket for the larger one, but I think it will be so worth it.;)
Oh yes, I'm sure he will!

It's amazing the amount of money we spend on our fids.

I think it's crazy I can spend £100 in one sitting just on bits and bobs for Cal but if I see something I like for £20 I think...."oooohhh no, far too expensive!!"

So lets see some realy good and "harmless" toys LOL ;)
No result yet?

I love the cage Ben, what does Eddie think? I am sure it is going to be a huge shock for him to not only be in a new room but also new cage. I am sure he will start loving it as soon as he realizes that he is WITH YOU. :D

This sounds exactly like Sterretjie, except she does not have to be out, if she knows I am home and can not see me then she starts screaming.;)
1. When the front door opens
2. When there are people in eye sight that aren't talking to him
3. If I have him out and leave the room for 30 seconds
4. If someone new walks in that he is unsure of
5. When someone is cooking (in which case he is not allowed out anyway)

You should get the results today?
We always record the birds in Kruger and the beautiful sounds and scenery and when back I make dvds for Sterretjie. While in Kruger I thought that I can post a copy for Eddie? I play it for Sterretjie while I am at work and it calms her down. We have surround sound so from Sterretjies cage it sounds as if she is outside surrounded with singing friends.
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  • #89
Thanks Linky.

No results still :(. I will be calling first thing in the morning to find out what is taking so long.

I just introduced Eddie to his new cage. He backed away at first, but when i started playing with it, he decided it wasn't so scary and wanted in on the action lol. He flew over and started exploring his new 'property' ;). I have had him in it both outside and in my study area. Apart from some wing flipping, all he did was chirp and whistle, so good new so far. I took some video and pictures of him on/in his new cage so I will post them later :). It was so nice to have his company.

That DVD thing sounds great :)
Ah I am so happy that he sounds happy.

If you are going to phone tomorrow then that means Friday? It is now 10:58 Thursday morning here by us, is it almost night by you?

Ps. It is not a dvd thing-thing!:p It is hours and hours of sitting dead still with a camera recording and editing and screening and mixing up bird sounds adding and removing - JONG! :rolleyes:
Wow Linky that sounds so very cool. I can't imagine creating something like that. Thinking of you today Ben.I have been bouncing time zones between eastern USA and Western Europe last several days so barely certain what time it is here in this hotel room much less what time its where you are but hoping answers are bearable.
0530 here in Washington but I am catching a flight back in time in a few hours. Just post when you know and I will quit trying to orient myself to time and place lol.
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  • #94
0530 here in Washington but I am catching a flight back in time in a few hours. Just post when you know and I will quit trying to orient myself to time and place lol.

Going between time zones can be such a pain sometimes lol. Totally messes with your head.
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  • #95
Okay here is a picture of Sir Eddie on top of his new cage :D He is loving it.


I have been trying to upload this one picture for about the last hour lol. Reason its taking me so long is that I am just having so much fun with Eddie. The strangest thing has happened since i put him in his new cage, this is completely random and never expected....HE HAS STARTED TALKING :eek: omg . I am lucky if I hear him say hello 3 times a year, but I have heard it about 10 times in the last hour, plus 'what are you doing', 'good boy' and about 5-6 other whistles and sounds, some of which i have never heard before. He is just a motor mouth LOL. Its just so nice to hear him talk instead of scream. I am responding to him with lost of praise and attention every time he talks, to try and get him to use them instead of screaming. This was completely unexpected and it has got me all excited. I hope this is a sign of things to come and not a spur of the moment sort of behaviour. This is so wiered.....who knew Eddie could say so many words?!?!:confused:

....omg knew word.....he just said 'kiss' which i have been trying to teach him for a while, seeing as 'hello' seemed to be a bit of a stretch lol, but apparently not!
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  • #99
The cage is much bigger than what I imagined, luckily you got it to fit in your room!:D

Yea it took some careful measuring and a lucky find at a bird shop lol. The smaller version would have been 'okay', but he would only JUST be able to spread his wings. The bigger one gives him some space to move around, so he can stay in there for longer periods :). Its also amazing how quickly the space inside the cage shrinks when you start putting perches and toys in. I got rid of the horrible dowel perch and put one of his old Eucalyptus perches in there (I knew I kept it for a reason ;)).

Thank you for suggesting this idea, hopefully it will help out. At the very least it means he will get more sunshine as it is JUST SO EASY now to roll his cage onto the back veranda and he can also be given some 'quiet time' if he becomes over whelmed with guests in the house.:D
Brilliant cage and WOOHOO Eddie for the chatterboxing! He must be very VERY happy!

Any sign of the results...?

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