I need to have my Parrotlet hens beak trimmed.

Bird Mann

Active member
Sep 27, 2023
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Maple Ridge BC
I care for and manage a bonded pair of Parrotlets.
For three years we have been building trust, I have a bonded pair joined at the hip., loving life, playing hard and eating well. I adore them and they fly to my face and give kisses. They do not step up and probably never will as they were parent raised and not handled.
So this is the deal......the female Bun Bun (Bonnie) needs a beak trim.
I am sick with worry., as I have read that stress on these tiny birds can do them in.
I've got the vet, referred to me by Grey Haven Bird Sanctuary who I support. So the vet
is the best available and is great.

These are my concerns.
When upset, the male can lunge and go for the female, and they MUST be together
or they get very upset., (joined at the hip) To mitigate damage I have purchased
two matching tiny carriers so the female will be out of harms way. I can fit the two
carriers inside a bankers box and they will be side by side.

The drive takes about 25 minutes each way.

What worries me is the stress, catching them, may undo what I have worked
so hard at., worse I"m not sure of their ages and I would just feel horrible if
something happened to her, but she needs the trim.

I have loads of chew stuff, yucca logs, cuttlebone, two beak blocks, wood...
and they do chew, but it has not been enough.

If something happens to her it would be a nightmare..........
the thought of catching them and putting them in the tiny carriers......I can do that
but just hate the thought of it.

The stress on her, really worries me, she is healthy and happy and I want her
to stay that way.

Earlier this summer she took to chewing, and I noticed a bit of beak wear an tear
jagged tip, and now it is like a rose thorn, the beak looks healthy just really sharp.

Could a sharp rose thorn beak be a sign of age? just maturity?
She's in great shape, a gorgeous birdie.

I would love to hear from anyone that has had to do this.

We are all ready to do this, but is it worth the risk of losing her?


Laurie, aka Bird Mann
We monthly visit our Vet to have our DYHA's beak slightly muted (rounded) to keep him from mutilating his skin as a result of post-surgery site scab irritation, years ago. Our Vet removes just a tiny bit to limit the sharpness of his beak. A perfect Amazon bill has an upper hook-bill that comes to a very sharp point and the lower as two sharp points that are positioned either side of the upper. A killer bitting tool!

A great vet will quickly towel and smoothen the bill and back into the cage. I would define this as smooth compared to trimming as trimming implies an overgrown bill and from what you are saying its more smoothing of a snagging /ruff area of the beak.

The loss of the relationship if any will be minor and short term. Lots of loving on them Post Event!

I have no experience with your species, so write the question down and ask your vet!
It's got a hook on it that has to come off. She is managing fine but I can see it needs attention, it's very sharp luckily she is a very sweet and very smart bird. This happened after she chewed up a yucca log, Bird kabob log, she loves mincing them up. Thanks, I'll get her booked. Ak..........!


  • Beak2.webp
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It's got a hook on it that has to come off. She is managing fine but I can see it needs attention, it's very sharp luckily she is a very sweet and very smart bird. This happened after she chewed up a yucca log, Bird kabob log, she loves mincing them up. Thanks, I'll get her booked. Ak..........!
Based on the photo, would not hurt to remove a bit of the length while there.

Remember, Tons Of Love afterwards!!

Hey, I know that specie, they are sweethearts!
She's supposed to be a hen, I know the blue eye lines right?, her back is also very deep cobalt colour, but she has no deep blue flights, she sits like a hen, wider and lower, and mates with her mate, beak hooks with him and cuddles grooms joined at the hip, but has never produced eggs., this couple was culled from a breeding program., then I got them. These guys are small but mighty., I will tell you my 25 years experience training dogs has saved me. They are a joy, they don't boss me around. haha.

.....Oops, I see someone else was asking what sex their bird was, I am new here so still figuring out how it works, so sorry :)
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