I need help choosing the species of the second parrot!


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Feb 21, 2025
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Peach-Faced Lovebird: Bucephalus
I am currently owning a male peach-faced lovebird and we are really bonded and i decieded to get another parrot but i can't decide which one of the following species to choose:

1. Green Cheek Conure
2. Monk parrot
3. Indian Ringneck
4. Cockatiel

I have done research on all of them but i want to hear the opinion on people who owned or are corrently owing one of these parrot species.
First, don't adopt rhe baby until he's completely weaned. Here in the US reputable breeders don't send babies home to a their new families until weaned. In many other countries, especially Asian ones, they sell uweaned babies and the new owners are expected to handfeed and wean. It's a bad practice and many babies die.

Of the four you listed, I've adopted a hand fed baby cockatiel and he was the easiest, friendliest bird I could have hoped for. Charlie adjusted quickly and loved everyone. He cried a bit at first but only because he wanted to he held. He never bit anyone. He would bluff sometimes but it was just bluffing. He learned to whistle all sorts of tunes and would say Charlie Boy. He didn't scream or make too much noise.
The only other baby bird ive adopted was a Goffins Cockatoo and I dont recommend them.

You've listed four great birds and other members will help you with the other three. I've heard great things about them all, but the one that people seem to have the most trouble with are the Ringnecks. They say if they aren't handled a lot and frequently they tend to go wild.
First, don't adopt rhe baby until he's completely weaned. Here in the US reputable breeders don't send babies home to a their new families until weaned. In many other countries, especially Asian ones, they sell uweaned babies and the new owners are expected to handfeed and wean. It's a bad practice and many babies die.

Of the four you listed, I've adopted a hand fed baby cockatiel and he was the easiest, friendliest bird I could have hoped for. Charlie adjusted quickly and loved everyone. He cried a bit at first but only because he wanted to he held. He never bit anyone. He would bluff sometimes but it was just bluffing. He learned to whistle all sorts of tunes and would say Charlie Boy. He didn't scream or make too much noise.
The only other baby bird ive adopted was a Goffins Cockatoo and I dont recommend them.

You've listed four great birds and other members will help you with the other three. I've heard great things about them all, but the one that people seem to have the most trouble with are the Ringnecks. They say if they aren't handled a lot and frequently they tend to go wild.

I agree with you, parrots should be given only if they are completely weaned. Fortunately, here in Greece there are a lot responsible parrot breeders, who actually care about the birds and won't try to sell you a sick or unweaned parrot.

Charlie resembles the general image most people have of the cockatiel and it seems that the cockatiels are the ''safest'' option. Although, i can never be sure.

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