I love Fargos cage ! :O

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Wow this thread is old! haha

Gemini your fids will definitely love it!!

The cage has a new arrangement since then, he loves this one!

He just has all his foraging toys in the cage, then everything else is on his gym, cause he only spends about 2-3 hours in his cage during the whole day, cause he doesnt sleep in there either!

It will be alot easier to set up the cage for your little guys, because you can have lots of different perches, where as Fargo can only have a few otherwise his tail will hit the edges!

Triordon, nope? Why would he eat the curtains :eek: he doesnt touch anything while he is inside of the cage, when he is out he will eat the walls, but he has finally learnt not to now! ;)
i have that same tail issue atm in the current cage. it was great when it was just oxy or if they are playing down the bottom, but because its the split level L shaped cage, when they are up the top they step on each others tails or hit the edges.
AWESOME cage!!!

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