I know when I'm getting a parrot... I think!

The yellow/clear f10 sc is my favorite thing. It technically doesn't have to be rinsed (just allowed to dry on a surface). It is however, only a disinfectant only, meaning that it doesn't cut surface grime like some cleaners and it isn't going to work as well on things that are porous.
It is very safe for birds (although it must be diluted---I use it in the same room with mine all of the time.

It seems expensive for a small bottle but you can literally make something like 13 gallons with the 200 ml bottle of concentrate (or 17 (17 oz) spray-bottles full and it is good for up to 6 months after mixing with water--- the un-mixed concentrate has a longer shelf-life of 4 years.
The company has a specific list of dilution ratios online somewhere...but the bottle gives the reader's digest version.
I do a 1:250 ppm solution, which is 2ml F10 to every 17oz of water.
You can go higher than this, but as I recall, the next step up is for sanitizing surgical tools and killing super resilient viruses like parvo (1:125 ppm). There are lower dilution ratios as well.

Don't let the price intimidate you---it is cheaper than standard cleaners for the amount you get (even though the bottle looks tiny). It is very safe for humans too--- I use it around the house for cleaning (especially for things that I want to properly disinfect).

F10 does make a green detergent-based disinfectant that must be diluted as well, but it will cut through grease. The issue for me is that it is a soap and must be rinsed off. That is why I never use that variety.

Other good cleaners to have:
Unscented Magic Erasers
Baking Soda
White vinegar
Dawn dish soap
grapefruit-seed extract.
Lots of people like Poop-Off, but it doesn't kill germs.

Just don't ever mix cleaners together without knowing what you are doing.

My dad said something about grapefruit affects his medication, but I'll add this to my ever-growing Google Doc!

I think he would have to eat the grapefruit for it to cause him a problem. [emoji3526]

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My dad said something about grapefruit affects his medication, but I'll add this to my ever-growing Google Doc!

Oral ingestion of grapefruit is contraindicated with a variety of medications. Seems to increase potency.

Hmmm, possible to much information there Scott!?!? :D

Hahaha, I didn't see that double entendre until your post lol. Edited to specify medicinal potency! :eek:
I love that you typed that with a straight face and we were all like "tee hee hee". The first time I read it, I was thinking, wow...okay, we went from bird advice to a totally new topic..that grapefruit might screw up your medication, but it could be worth it *wink wink* LOL. Gotta get my mind out of the gutter apparently. It was even funnier because I read it a second time and immediately knew that was NOT what you meant.
I love that you typed that with a straight face and we were all like "tee hee hee". The first time I read it, I was thinking, wow...okay, we went from bird advice to a totally new topic..that grapefruit might screw up your medication, but it could be worth it *wink wink* LOL. Gotta get my mind out of the gutter apparently. It was even funnier because I read it a second time and immediately knew that was NOT what you meant.
My dad said something about grapefruit affects his medication, but I'll add this to my ever-growing Google Doc!

Oral ingestion of grapefruit is contraindicated with a variety of medications. Seems to increase medicinal potency!

Grapefruit disrupts the way a group of specialized proteins break down certain medications, which increases the amount of that medication in the bloodstream. This was actually my main takeaway in my college cellular biology class [emoji81] our professor advised that if we were taking a medication that was expensive, we could break one dose into 2-3 doses if taken with grapefruit (and some other citrus) and save money. Scary to think that a professor was giving medical advice so flippantly.

Loki - Sun Conure [emoji169]

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