My Nanday will be 12 in April. She has never laid an egg. My BCC never laid one either. And I guess Merlin has only laid one in her 21 years. So I wouldn't worry about egg binding. I do now have a male bird in the house though so we shall see if that inspires the girls to lay. But, Merlin was with 2 male birds her entire life in her previous home. I know from her blood panel she is saving up calcium so she is at least thinking about it, or preparing herself for mating if the opportunity arises.
As for talking, you never know what you will get. My conure is quite a talker, and she is not a species known for having a lot of talking ability. She knows a lot more words than either Pete or Merlin, who are both species known as good talkers. I really think it depends on how much you talk to them. But, both Pete and Merlin have said some new things recently. Now they are with a person who talks to birds all day, lol!