I freaked out...


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Jun 14, 2007
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My brother is back from the US for summer, he has just met Phoebus, he likes him but he is very indifferent about doing what is right for a bird and he thinks that taking proper care, the way we think of it in this forum, is like we are overdoing it or have nothing better to do.I don't argue with him on this, though I have tried to explain, because we love each other a lot .

So Phoebus has a corner in the kitchen which is his ''room'' for sleep.He was sleeping last night and I told my brother not to turn the light on and make as less noise as he could, my parents totally respect this,he had to go to the kitchen to take some medicine, but on the contrary he turned the light on, making too much noise....
Phoebus was awakened, he then wouldn't sleep for an hour or more,I fell asleep with great guilt, I would listen to him chewing his toys, an hitting his bell strongly, I got up once went and told him not to worry, and to go back to sleep...

This morning I took the cover of his cage off, and there was a bunch of feathers spread all over the cage.He plucked the s**t out of him in the night, he had almost stopped plucking at all, hadn't plucked for many days, not even a feather, and he was growing his new ones with deeper and brighter colours...:( I was so sad I couldn't wait for time to pass at work, I went and bought him some new toys, and he is now playing happily next to me...

I totally freaked out and wanted to tell you...Do you think he will go back to plucking again, from the begining?It's such a pitty....He had almost fully recovered and so beautifull....:(

Sorry for making it so long, I just wanted to tell you because only you can understand how I feel.... :(
Ya know Pheob, the trouble with Non Bird People is that they just don't understand how complex our birds really are. I've had so many people say "They are just Birds" :eek: not even a real pet. :mad: If only they knew the love, laughter, and yes even heartache of these magnificent animals they would change their whole outlook on life.

I'm sure that Pheobus will get back to not plucking and that you will be able to help him again just like you did the first time. Pheobus has had his whole way of life altered at the moment and doesn't quite know what to make of it. Maybe you could show your brother just what happened last time he disturbed Pheobus, maybe he will be able to accept that he needs the routine that you have provided for him.

I'm so sorry that he has plucked his lovely new feathers it must be heartbreaking for you and so darn frustrating. I don't think your brother is doing things to be mean he is just a non bird person who just doesn't understand the complex nature of our fids.

Tell him if he disturbs Pheobus again, we'll set our Hamlet on him. :D
Pheobus has had his whole way of life altered at the moment and doesn't quite know what to make of it.

I agree with you on this Peta!

Maybe you could show your brother just what happened last time he disturbed Pheobus, maybe he will be able to accept that he needs the routine that you have provided for him.

I did show him, that very moment I uncovered the cage, and saw the feathers, I collected them in my hand, went to my brother, woke him up and I said ''look!You see what I was talking about when I told you to respect the bird who was sleeping?'' I had also explained the plucking issue!
Well, he felt bad when he saw those beautifull feathers in my hand, and I'm sure he understood, I hope he will take more seriously my birds' needs from now on...
I only wondered why did this have to happen, if only he had trusted my words...:(

I'm so sorry that he has plucked his lovely new feathers it must be heartbreaking for you and so darn frustrating. I don't think your brother is doing things to be mean he is just a non bird person who just doesn't understand the complex nature of our fids.

You describe exactly the way I feel.My brother is a really good guy, just not a person to keep pets and sure he doesn't understand the complex nature of our fids.

Tell him if he disturbs Pheobus again, we'll set our Hamlet on him.

Hmmm....Hamlet could just saw him how things turn out to be when you don't respect a birdy....:03:
if only he had trusted my words...:(

I think its only that he doesn't quite understand the nature of birds, but yeah if only ...............................

You've managed to help pheobus stop the plucking once and I'm sure that you can do it again. Let us know how its all going. Please.
Ohmy goodness, you have no idea how many times I have done a family beat down for someone leaving a door open to a room that had a candle in it, or someone spraying somthing... got to break out the rolled up news paper and chase them down
Phoebus, I'm so sorry that this happened, I was so sad reading about you picking all of those beautiful feathers up off the floor of his cage...But I'm sure that you can get him to stop plucking once again, you're a great parront!
I wouldn't worry to much about the plucking, you just had a set back. Many parrots that pluck will start again when something sets them off, but can stop again quickly. Does Pheobus ever forage for his food? I hear that this can really help with birds that pluck, because it is very stimulating for their mind and entertaining.
Thank you guys, you are all great, thanks for the good words...I only hope that he will stop it soon, before damaging more feathers..

Tracy I have read before posts of you guys mentioning the forage food , I know this forage for horses-cattle(grass).Do you mean something other, or just food that he can chew on and on like sticks with fruit and seeds and honey e.t.c that are sold in pet stores?
He has almost all his toys with him when he is alone, and I leave his bowl of fresh food full before I leave home, the radio or tv always on for him..

Chi I have done the familly beat down as well but in the begining because my parents were used to the little ones who are quite easier to handle.

Thank you again all, I needed your words, I felt so bad today...
By foraging for food, we refer to putting food/treats in certain toys, and making him work for some food, I do this when I give my guys their palm nuts, it keeps them amused for a long while and they get a lot of pleasure from it,

I've hidden them in newspaper, tied onto toys, put in special toys that they have to work at to get them out. Its real fun watching them look for it all. :D
I'm so sorry! Poor little guy! I know how frustrating it is!! Please try not to feel bad, you did everything you possibly could have done.
Maybe having him sleep in a different room where he is unlikely to be disturbed at night would work better, is this possible?
I understand he is very sensitive but I also understand someone might need to turn on a light, especially to take medicine. I crash around like a rhino late at night..
Not by any means trying to take your brother's side, he SHOULD be more understanding. I haven't met very many people who understand animals the way we do.
On the other hand, sometimes stuff happens at night, (especially in the kitchen) and if the bird is that anxious maybe bed time in another spot would be safer for him. I know that would be another schedule change that could result in plucking but in the long run, once he's used to it, he would probably feel a lot more comfortable. Just a suggestion. I hope he's feeling back to normal soon. Good luck with your brother!
I have thought of having him to sleep in an other room but it would be more disturbing for him especially as the other rooms are bedrooms and living room, which are all occupated.
Unfortunately I can not have a spare room for my fids' bedtime, they spend all day in my room, but they go to bed much earlier than we humans do so it's the only solution for our home...:(
Oh I see, I didn't know that, sorry. Is your brother being better now? Maybe he needs a cage of his own? I know mine did when he lived with us! (But I probably did too!)
Hope everything is going better.
I am back today, went to our summer house again Tuesday evening so I could swim at the sea for some more days before university starts again next month.

Phoebus likes it there I think, she likes the car a lot as well..She calmed down and didn't pluck for the last couple of days :):):):):)
I was so happy!
When we came back today I decided to bathe him it the bath tub for the first time, I used a spray ever since I got him, he wouldn't step on my hand again so I had to carry him in my bare hands, and he didn't even nip for once again, being a good girl.So when she was drying in my room, she pulled a back feather out...:mad: I think she is playing with my nerves.... :mad:

But I'm so determined to keep my patience, (I can easily lose it sometimes though but not with my fids..), I ignored her and left the room and she dropped it as always when I do that, otherwise she will keep it in her beak and play with it to make my blood pressure go 40!

(But I probably did too!)
Well I think If my familly got another cage it would be a macaw size one...
Wondering who they would put in....:D

I missed you guys and I have so much to read to catch up with the rest of you!:D
Hey Pheobus, we missed you too, Glad your back again, :D

and he didn't even nip for once again,

Thats great news, I'm sure he'll be stepping up real soon now. :D Keep up the great work that your doing with him.

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