I finally got my new GCC, need help. *pics

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Poor girl.

I can't say the previous owner mistreated the bird, I just don't know that for a fact. Just angry that I was not told about the beak. I thought at first bringing the bird over, was to see the new home, to make sure the bird is well taken care of but I think it's mostly because it's harder to say no at that point. Anyways, I wont get into this story anymore.

For my new bird, a bit over 1 week past (I think)
The bird seems happy, eats well, plays a lot in the cage. But still very scared of me.

The only way I can handle him is when he goes on top of his cage, I can get him, wisper, pet him behind the head, (not sure if it's a good idea to do so) and I tell him good bird constantly.

I put him on a small table in front of the sofas, with some pomegranate, small pieces of orange and some things to play with... He seems to crap every minute when he is there... but with a bit of time eases off.

He never bites, surprisingly.

When he plays in his cage, I find one thing odd. I added a cement foot swing kind of thing... he fights it constantly and screams as he fights it. Not sure if it's playing or hating.. Or painfully filing his own beak.
Also, he seems to sleep a lot, on the vertical side of the cage, to the wall.

I now watch TV with a wireless headset because when there is audio, he seems to let me know he isn't fond of it... Well, some sounds really piss him off I noticed. He also screams out like crazy at the sound of any other bird.

I want to bring him to a vet, but as he seems to be playing a lot on his own and eating no problem, I rather have him settle in and calm down before transporting him... Pretty sure he would hate me more for that.

Any advice is welcome on how to get this bird like me.
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Any advice is welcome on how to get this bird like me.
-Just lots of treats, attention, and some time ;)
-It took Meeka a couple months to settle in (and to quit biting me too) so just be patient, gentle, and move at the pace she is most comfortable with.
-Good Luck! Keep us posted and keep asking questions when needed!

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