I did it!

Hehe thanks Julie!!! :D

Don't wanna be this person, but my mumma still hasn't said she is proud or congratulations :rolleyes:

As she has always said- Anyone can get into uni...

and as she said this afternoon- With the amount you study, you are expected to pass :20:

Dad has said he is proud though, so that is 1/2 :p hahaha

I am the ONLY person on either side of the family that has studied a medical degree, so it would have been nice for a little pat on the back from mum considering how many other students have failed.. She said why did i need her support, am i just like a kid who only wants the gold stars? haha.. Hmmm :31:

Well i am proud of myself, considering a year ago i had no idea what i wanted to do in life, and now i am officially on my way to my dream job! :D

I am just looking forward to becoming a paramedic..

I drove passed the ambulance station today... Just longing to be there working!

Australia actually has a shortage of paramedics at the moment, third year students are getting full time work!

Aww Tab, some people are just like that, my mom has never said she was proud of me and I am OLD now LOL

I am VERY Proud of you, and PROUD to have you as my friend, and I think you are one of the most special people I have met online (you can feel it Tab, right through the wire)

I admire everything you have done in your young life, just the way you trained Fargo shows how smart and sensitive you are!!
You Are the BEST
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  • #22
Hehe awwww

Thank you Joe!!!

My mum has never been that emotional type, which is fine.. I was just expecting her to say something a little nice today :10:

That means alot to me! It truly does! :)

I guess most girls my age are out partying/drinking/smoking, and here i am, just with her animals and studying :09:

I guess i have always been mature, when i was younger, i ALWAYS wanted to be older :eek: I still do.. I want to be about 25-30, that will be a good age! :p
Tab, I think it is safe to say that we are all proud of you here at PF. You have achieved so much and you should be proud of yourself.

Your mum, I am sure is proud of you, and just may have a difficult time expressing it.

Enjoy your KFC. :D
  • Thread Starter
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  • #24
Hehe thank you :eek:

I just ate 3 burgers, 1 large popcorn chicken, 1 large potato and gravy and now my poor little belly is about to explode hahahaha :p

It was very yummy though ;)
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  • #27
BAHAHAHAHA :eek: That is likeeee 5-6 years old now!!! :p and only cause it was full of autotune!! ;)

I have a funny story to tell you about today Wendy!!! Went and saw Craig ! :p Will send you a PM :)
Congratulations!! You should be proud!!
EXTREMELY late to this party!

Tab, I am so very proud of you!!! You've worked so hard and shown such dedication.

Don't wanna be this person, but my mumma still hasn't said she is proud or congratulations :rolleyes:

As she has always said- Anyone can get into uni...

and as she said this afternoon- With the amount you study, you are expected to pass :20:

Funny, I look at it quite differently. The amount you study is even more of a reason to be proud. You are highly intelligent, Tab. And I don't say that to flatter you. It just happens to be true. A fact. We've spoken enough that I can say that with certainty. But... without all of the hard work that you had to put in to prepare for your exams, would there really have been any cause for celebration? Innate intelligence is a gift. Nothing more, nothing less. It's what you DO with that intelligence that defines you. THAT'S what speaks for your character.

So, I celebrate you today, my dear friend, not for the staggering potential with which you were born, but for your perseverance, your drive, and your dedication. Could anyone get into uni? I don't know. But I can tell you that not everyone would succeed, and excel, as you have... and as you will continue to do. So enjoy this, the first of many more triumphs in your quest to become a paramedic. You more than deserve it!
Your mum, I am sure is proud of you, and just may have a difficult time expressing it.

Ya know, The more I think about it, your mom may be having trouble expressing it, that is right on Amanda !!

You are highly intelligent, Tab. And I don't say that to flatter you. It just happens to be true. A fact. We've spoken enough that I can say that with certainty. But... without all of the hard work that you had to put in to prepare for your exams, would there really have been any cause for celebration? Innate intelligence is a gift. Nothing more, nothing less. It's what you DO with that intelligence that defines you. THAT'S what speaks for your character.

So, I celebrate you today, my dear friend, not for the staggering potential with which you were born, but for your perseverance, your drive, and your dedication. Could anyone get into uni? I don't know. But I can tell you that not everyone would succeed, and excel, as you have... and as you will continue to do. So enjoy this, the first of many more triumphs in your quest to become a paramedic. You more than deserve it!

No One Can Put it to Words Better Then Stephen

All of Parrotforums.com is Sharing Your Happiness Tabitha !!

There was a young lady called Tab
Her studies turned out to be fab
With her parrot called Fargo
She caused an embargo
On KFC fats in the lab.

That just occurred to me while I was thinking what to write. So I wrote it down. :D

Tab you WORKED for your success and it paid off. Simple as that. Don't worry too much about A-J. She's as proud as punch and it shows in everything I've seen her write about you. It's not uncommon for young people to have a blinding first year at Uni and then drop the bundle. I know that won't be you, but maybe A-J's superstitious about it? Doesn't matter. YOU PASSED!!!

In fact, you didn't just pass - you got HDs and Ds - that's remarkable! I can't wait to hear of next term's study and have been enjoying watching you attack your work so far. I LOVE the systematic way you go about things and am just so impressed by your single-mindedness in everything you do. As others have said, you're certainly intelligent, but that's not the most important factor in a successful Uni career. What's needed is the ability to put your head down and work. This is where you've really impressed everyone: yes, anyone can get into Uni, but not everyone can stay the distance and pass the courses. This is a most excellent beginning for you. :) :) :)

Our Oz marking system goes like this:

High Distinction 85% - 100%
Distinction 75% - 84%
Credit 65% -74%
Pass 50% - 64%
Last edited:
Congrats to the max!!!! That is so awesome! :D I bet Fargo is so happy for you too! :)
  • Thread Starter
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  • #33
Funny, I look at it quite differently. The amount you study is even more of a reason to be proud. You are highly intelligent, Tab. And I don't say that to flatter you. It just happens to be true. A fact. We've spoken enough that I can say that with certainty. But... without all of the hard work that you had to put in to prepare for your exams, would there really have been any cause for celebration? Innate intelligence is a gift. Nothing more, nothing less. It's what you DO with that intelligence that defines you. THAT'S what speaks for your character.

So, I celebrate you today, my dear friend, not for the staggering potential with which you were born, but for your perseverance, your drive, and your dedication. Could anyone get into uni? I don't know. But I can tell you that not everyone would succeed, and excel, as you have... and as you will continue to do. So enjoy this, the first of many more triumphs in your quest to become a paramedic. You more than deserve it!

I think in my family it comes across as selfish and unsocial because i spend so much time with my horses, and studying?

I know most of the arguments end up being that the dishwasher didn't get unloaded.. :54: Sam is 21 and he is home every single day, doesn't study, doesn't have a job... So i get annoyed that he doesn't even want to do a single thing with his life, and doesn't help with the house chores.. Yet i get in trouble too :20: Then sam always makes funny faces at me when i am getting in trouble... I swear he is like a 10 year old haha :rolleyes: My job is doing mums horses which takes 1-2 hours a day.. and the clothes washing.. Sam's job is the kitchen :31:

But thank you!!! Yes, i am not the type of person who is naturally a genius... If i didn't cram for those exams, i would have failed like alot of other people!!

Our lecturer sent a marking thing out saying what % of students got what...
5% got HD, 10% got D, and 20% got C... I think it was another 20% got P, and the rest failed!

Thank you very much Stephen!!! *big hug* :rolleyes:
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  • #34
Congrats to the max!!!! That is so awesome! :D I bet Fargo is so happy for you too! :)

Thank you!

You know what's weird? Yesterday morning, Fargo just screamed and started yelling..

That was the first time since i have had him, that he has made a peep in the morning :eek:

He was just yelling and screaming these random words..

and i was like omg Fargo its 7am, everyone is going to kill you :eek: hahahaha

He stopped after a minute.. But goodness me.. I think he may have been trying to tell me congratulations? :09:
  • Thread Starter
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  • #35
There was a young lady called Tab
Her studies turned out to be fab
With her parrot called Fargo
She caused an embargo
On KFC fats in the lab.

That just occurred to me while I was thinking what to write. So I wrote it down.

Tab you WORKED for your success and it paid off. Simple as that. Don't worry too much about A-J. She's as proud as punch and it shows in everything I've seen her write about you. It's not uncommon for young people to have a blinding first year at Uni and then drop the bundle. I know that won't be you, but maybe A-J's superstitious about it? Doesn't matter. YOU PASSED!!!

In fact, you didn't just pass - you got HDs and Ds - that's remarkable! I can't wait to hear of next term's study and have been enjoying watching you attack your work so far. I LOVE the systematic way you go about things and am just so impressed by your single-mindedness in everything you do. As others have said, you're certainly intelligent, but that's not the most important factor in a successful Uni career. What's needed is the ability to put your head down and work. This is where you've really impressed everyone: yes, anyone can get into Uni, but not everyone can stay the distance and pass the courses. This is a most excellent beginning for you. :) :)

Our Oz marking system goes like this:

High Distinction 85% - 100%
Distinction 75% - 84%
Credit 65% -74%
Pass 50% - 64%


I see what you did there on facebook hahahahahaha :D

Trish commented on my status and said-
  • How about the Uni passes, though? You must be SO proud!

and mum replied:

  • Yes, she has done very well. Will be saving lives before we know it, and making them laugh along the way....

Thank you.. :09: Would have been nice for her to say it on her own, but i will take it!!!! :rolleyes:

I know she is proud of my horses, because whenever we go to shows she likes the fact that everyone comments on how beautiful we all look haha

Just has never said she was proud about my studying

You know i listen to this motivational speech, it goes for 15 minutes, and i know the whole thing off by heart because i listen to it all the time when i am studying!

But he said that being smart isn't enough when you go to college/uni, you have to have the heart and the dedication, and you have to give it everything you have and not to quit when things get hard!

I love the quote- Pain is temporary, but eventually it will subside, and something else will take its place, if i quit however, it will last forever ;)

and that is SOO true, i know of a few students who are dropping out cause they failed the exams now.. My friend wants to quit, but i told him not to give up and i could help with his chem studying if he needed! :)

and hey!!! ;) I will ride Klaatu and Kitai today and work off my KFC :D HAHAHAHAHA

I still feel sick this morning :09:

Hahahaha!!! I love it!

But I must say, your father promised you ANY dinner you wanted if you passed? And you chose... KFC?!? Really?!? You must be a dream date, my friend. Lol!
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  • #37

What else would i want?!?!? :rolleyes:
I don't eat any proper meal, i don't like veges, i don't like meats apart from chicken.. :eek:

I hate that they put lettuce on the burgers though.. I had to sit there and scrape all the lettuce off... :31: Sigh.. It's a tough life :p

Sam says that it is lucky i have good metabolism, and do alot of excercise, otherwise i would be obese with what i eat..

EVERY time i am eating something, he adds up how much sugar and calories are in it... He is obsessed!

'One bowl of icecream has blah blah blah, and you are adding chocolate and peanut butter to it so it will be at least this much'
'Oh now you are having hot cocoa, that has 2 tablespoons of sugar...'
'You are over your daily intake of calories allowed now'

Thanks Sam... :20:

Honestly, doctors still have no idea how i am alive and healthy with what i eat :54:
There was a young lady called Tab
Her studies turned out to be fab
With her parrot called Fargo
She caused an embargo
On KFC fats in the lab.

Trish, can we clone you? Pleeeeeeeeease?
What else would i want?!?!? :rolleyes:
I don't eat any proper meal, i don't like veges, i don't like meats apart from chicken.. :eek:

What about LOBSTER ??? Dipped in butter??
(can't say you don't like it if you never tried it)

There was a young lady called Tab
Her studies turned out to be fab
With her parrot called Fargo
She caused an embargo
On KFC fats in the lab.

LOVE IT Trish !!

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  • #40
Hahahahaha well i don't like fish, or bacon, or meat, so i reallyyyyy doubt i would like lobster ;)

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