I did it!


Active member
Aug 9, 2012
Queensland, Australia
Fargo- Blue and Gold Macaw
Our grades for uni were released!!! I stayed up until midnight but they didn't come out.. Apparently they were online at 1am...

I woke at 7.. annnnddddddd

I passed all my courses!!!! :D

I had to do a human anatomy exam, and a chemistry exam...

I was so worried, you had to get 40% to pass the exam.. If not, you failed the whole course..

Problem is, if you failed chem, you couldn't resit, and you couldn't continue this term, so i would be 6 months held back!

Well... I did it!!!!! :D

We don't have our actual marks back for our exams yet..

But i got:

HD for paramedic practice- 90-100%
D for human anatomy- 75-90%
D for health science- 75-90%

annnddd, a C for chemistry... So a credit.. Which is above just a P (pass)... I think its like 60-75% ?

The saying is P's get the degrees... And i got better than P's for all of them! :p

I am over the moon!!!!!!! Those 2 exams made me exhausted, so i am glad all the studying paid off!

I bet i just scraped through with the chem exam.. Thank god i do not have to study it again!! :p

Just thought i would share my news!!! :D

I am now 1/6 a paramedic hahahaha ;)
CONGRATULATIONS TAB!!!! Thanks for sharing your success! So proud of you, but not really surprised at all that your study and hard work is paying off. :)
WOOOOOO HOOOOO!!! Congrats Tab!!!!!! How awesome is that?!

Just curious, what are the other grades you could get? In the US ours is
A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%
D 60-69%
F 59% and below

Not sure if the oz grade scale works the same...???

(Btw- I read HD as "high definition" LOL [emoji23][emoji23] ohhh boy, my brain is tired lol)

Anywho- good job!! I bet you're excited you won't have to take those tests again!!!!
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Hahaha :D

Did i ever show you guys my wall during the last week before exams? :eek:

I walked around for days singing songs about muscle contraction and nerve impulse.. and cranial nerves! :p I even wrote all the difficult muscles on my actual body hahahaha

Shirre, we get HD, D, C, P, and then SE which means fail!

If you get below 50% i am fairly sure thats a fail!

The exams you just had to get more than 40% to pass.. But the overall grade has to be above 50! :)

One of my close friends failed his exams :eek: and i know of 2 others just on my facebook who have failed! :(

My other friend is a genius, she got HD's for every course hahaha :p
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I walked around for days singing songs about muscle contraction and nerve impulse.. and cranial nerves! :p I even wrote all the difficult muscles on my actual body hahahaha

Congrats Tab, You worked so hard, you deserve a WIN!!

I am getting up off the floor from laughing myself to tears
"I even wrote all the difficult muscles on my actual body"
Isn't that considered a "cheat sheet" LOL!!

I would PAY for a video of you singing the "muscle contraction and nerve impulse" song!!

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jpvuqj5nv6U"]The Skeleton Dance | Super Simple Songs - YouTube[/ame]
Congratulations Tab! Although I never had any doubts:)
LOL!!! I'd actually like to hear those songs!! [emoji6]:p look at all those pages on your wall!!! I'm surprised Mr Fargo didn't rip them down and have a confetti party HAHHAA
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Yes! Because in my exam we had to just say 'foot, leg, arm' ;) hahahaha :D

Nooo, i wrote the muscles and bones on me during the week, for the exam i was clean i promise!! ;)

Way to go, Tab!!!! I'm SO incredibly proud of you. You were SO looking forward to becoming a paramedic, and now you are well on your way. :D

You will be a fabulous one, too, I just know that. :)

Your dedication and hard work paid off!

XOXO :smile015:
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I sung the muscle contraction, to the song of taylor swifts i knew you were trouble..

Before you laugh.. IT WORKED!! :p

I can't remember it all now though.. I remember one question in the exam was fill in the blanks.. and as soon as i saw it, i started singing-
Trooppoossinn.. anndd tropomyosinnnn! ;)

and the cranial nerves i learnt to the mumbo number 5 song..

Number one is the olfactory..
You can't use this when your nose is runny ;)

Number 2 is called the optic
This helps with your sight, that's just logic :p

Number three is the oculmotor,
which moves the eyeballs and eyelids all over
As well as adjusting, your lenses and your pupils..
Heres anotherrrr about your eyeballs!

Number 4 is your trochlear,
thats just another motorrrr ;)

Ect, ect, ect :54:

Sounds silly, but thats how i remembered them all :eek:

Thank you Wendy!!! :D A year ago i wasn't even sure if i could get into uni to study it! :D Can't believe how it has all turned out
LOLOLOL!!!! I think those are some hit songs right there!! [emoji6]

We all knew you'd do great- just like you do in all your endeavors [emoji4]
I sung the muscle contraction, to the song of taylor swifts i knew you were trouble..

Before you laugh.. IT WORKED!! :p

I can't remember it all now though.. I remember one question in the exam was fill in the blanks.. and as soon as i saw it, i started singing-
Trooppoossinn.. anndd tropomyosinnnn! ;)

and the cranial nerves i learnt to the mumbo number 5 song..

Number one is the olfactory..
You can't use this when your nose is runny ;)

Number 2 is called the optic
This helps with your sight, that's just logic :p

Number three is the oculmotor,
which moves the eyeballs and eyelids all over
As well as adjusting, your lenses and your pupils..
Heres anotherrrr about your eyeballs!

Number 4 is your trochlear,
thats just another motorrrr ;)

Ect, ect, ect :54:

Sounds silly, but thats how i remembered them all :eek:

Thank you Wendy!!! :D A year ago i wasn't even sure if i could get into uni to study it! :D Can't believe how it has all turned out

Awww, PLEASE make a video of that !!! (you could be off camera so we just get the sound)
So HAPPY For you, No one deserves it more than you Tab
What's the big deal ??? Some of us never had a doubt. Go git em girl!! Congrats tab.
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Hehe thank you Richard! :) :rolleyes:

And Joe, i am not sure you would want to hear it... My singing is, well, not for everyone :22:hahahaha

My brother says i sound like someone dying :09: :20:
Joe, i am not sure you would want to hear it... My singing is, well, not for everyone :22:hahahaha
My brother says i sound like someone dying :09: :20:

Well, brothers can be TOUGH.... You just need some headphones for "monitoring" your voice, a bit of reverb, and that's it

I feel like you can Do ANYTHING you set your mind to :)
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There were 5 of us who sat the exams together, and we all had hot chocolate after the exams and they were all confident..

Just spoke to them all...

I was the only one who passed :eek: They have all failed..

I didn't realise it was THAT hard.. I was concerned, but i thought i would scrape through..

SOOO many people have failed.. :( Chemistry is a tough one... It really requires alot of studying to remember everything!

Dad said in february, if i passed everything, he would get me whatever i wanted for dinner..

So tonight.. WE FEAST!! :p

I chose KFC- 3 burgers, 2 large potato and gravy, and 3 large popcorn chickens.. ;) HAHAHA
That's awesome! See? When you really have your mind set on something you could do it!!! :D I know you take your studies seriously. Not everyone does. I know you'll keep up the good work. ;)
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Hehe thanks Julie!!! :D

Don't wanna be this person, but my mumma still hasn't said she is proud or congratulations :rolleyes:

As she has always said- Anyone can get into uni...

and as she said this afternoon- With the amount you study, you are expected to pass :20:

Dad has said he is proud though, so that is 1/2 :p hahaha

I am the ONLY person on either side of the family that has studied a medical degree, so it would have been nice for a little pat on the back from mum considering how many other students have failed.. She said why did i need her support, am i just like a kid who only wants the gold stars? haha.. Hmmm :31:

Well i am proud of myself, considering a year ago i had no idea what i wanted to do in life, and now i am officially on my way to my dream job! :D

I am just looking forward to becoming a paramedic..

I drove passed the ambulance station today... Just longing to be there working!

Australia actually has a shortage of paramedics at the moment, third year students are getting full time work!

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