I accidentally killed my baby conure

Warm gentle hugs my friend.

Be kind to yourself. This was an accident, there was no malice or intent behind it. Look after yourself and make sure you eat and drink, even if it's just small snacks or glasses of fruit juice or pop. Not eating or drinking will make you feel worse (I know from when I lost my dog 2 years ago I didn't eat for a few days and I felt worse for it)

Remeber, there is no wrong or right way to greive, do what feels right for you.

The pain from losing a dearly loved friend (because that's what they are) never really goes away. You just learn to cope with it. But the love and memories you have never go away, and those memories, whe they bring tears and upset to begin with, eventually make us smile and laugh again (again, personal experience)

Warm gentle hugs again lovely xx
Iā€™m so so sorry for your loss.
I am currently going through the exact same pain and guilt as we speak. I lost my 11 month old baby Harry two days ago because of the same mistake.
I keep blaming myself because I KNEW it was extremely risky sleeping with your bird.
I had stopped sleeping with him for a while and he would always sleep covered in his night time cage. But that night he would not settle, he kept crying and also discovered a way to escape from his cageā€¦I gave in and took him to bed with me. He fell asleep on my chest but when I woke I felt him underneath my back and I canā€™t get the image of his sweet little lifeless face out of my head. I just thought one nightā€¦one night with him wouldnā€™t hurt and I crushed him šŸ˜¢ my poor baby. It kills me to think he suffered because of my stupidity.
Harry was my first pet bird. He was an absolutely beautiful little boy. He was a pineapple conure. I have never felt so much love and affection from an animal in my entire life. The bond we formed was inseparable. He helped me a lot with my depression and anxiety. Iā€™m going to miss his excited chirps every time Iā€™d come home, his kisses and cuddlesā€¦his dancing and singing. Rolling on his back and playing with his toy. His unconditional love for me and his cheeky antics. I never knew how much joy a little bird could bring. I havenā€™t stopped crying for two days.
I donā€™t know how Iā€™m going to live with this guiltā€¦heā€™s gone because of me šŸ˜¢
I'm so sorry for the birds that passed away in this thread. I'm sure it isn't easy to talk about. Accidents truly do happen. It doesn't make things any easier, or better. Thank you for sharing as it really is a huge reminder to the rest of us of how fragile our birds are. It could save another parrots life. Again, I'm so sorry.
Sorry for your loss. My greatest fear is losing one off my fids (feathered kids). My 16YO male Ekkie is my best friend. No lie. my fids are more than a "pet". They are Family. I go to extremes for his and the other fids under my care. Extremes. Just like i would for any of my children. Psittacines (Parrots) are delicate creatures. Unlike other species. I know that all bird species have extremely sensitive air sacs not lungs. That is why there are certain holds that vet's use so they don't put pressure on the birds chest area. Once again, sorry for your loss, and the worlds loss of a beautiful parrot.

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Iā€™m sure your advice to this poor woman made her feel even more awful. Terrible advice. Iā€™m sure she has learned from her mistake and would make a wonderful birdie mama again. I had a similar tragic accident and consequently have been an extremely vigilant mama. My baby Sunshine is an extremely happy and safe girl. Donā€™t listen, momofpele! Donā€™t deprive a baby of a loving and caring home when youā€™re ready. You have my deepest sympathy.

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