Hungry bird


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2022
Han Solo - SI Male Eclectus
Hi folks,

This last week, my boy has been calling for more food.. has anyone elseā€™s ?

I do weigh him, just once a month now, he is 415-420g.
He gets frozen chop plus fresh pieces of veg, like cucumber, edamame, radish.., then in the evening chop again with 3 pieces of fruit eg a grape, half a passion fruit and a lychee.

He eats everything. (Except peppers and carrots)

If he really hassles me for lunch, then he will get something like some fresh flowers, or 1 teaspoon of seed , 9 or 10 organic pellets this is maybe 2 or 3 times a week. But even then he can then still tell me heā€™s hungry an hour before dinner..

Does anyone else have this with their Eclectus ?
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Your Eclectus parrot may be experiencing increased appetite and vocalizations due to seasonal changes, increased activity, a varied diet, medical considerations, and behavioral enrichment. Consult an avian veterinarian or a qualified avian nutritionist for personalized advice and guidance on addressing your bird's health and diet, as well as ensuring a balanced diet and a variety of foods.
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Your Eclectus parrot may be experiencing increased appetite and vocalizations due to seasonal changes, increased activity, a varied diet, medical considerations, and behavioral enrichment. Consult an avian veterinarian or a qualified avian nutritionist for personalized advice and guidance on addressing your bird's health and diet, as well as ensuring a balanced diet and a variety of foods.
Ah Yes thankyou Iā€™ve read this generalisation before, on the web somewhere šŸ‘ I was hoping I could get a more personal experience advice or thought provoking story from other Eclectus owners šŸ‘
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Hello, I have a 10 month old Electus Solomon Island male. Your feeding your bird all the right things its diet should be 60% pellets (high quality)and 40% fresh chop, etc. This maybe why heā€™s hungry. Imagine if you just ate salad all day, you would never feel full either.
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Hello, I have a 10 month old Electus Solomon Island male. Your feeding your bird all the right things its diet should be 60% pellets (high quality)and 40% fresh chop, etc. This maybe why heā€™s hungry. Imagine if you just ate salad all day, you would never feel full either.
Hi Holder

Thank you very much for your reply.

I did give him his weekly top up of Tops organic pellets today šŸ˜ some agree with pellets some donā€™t,. After all they are just human made convenience food. (Naturally they only eat salad, thereā€™s no pellet tree šŸ¤£). My boy absolutely loves carbohydrate food, itā€™s something thatā€™s in low supply in the tree tops. I guess he is hardwired to eat as much of it as possible. I have to hide my crackers and porridge from him. On the plus side It makes it really easy to give him any medicine! šŸ’Š
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He has slowly settled down again, and doesnā€™t seem to do that squeaky growl for food. I weighed him and yep heā€™s put on more .. now at 450g. I still feel his keel and I can easily feel it still although itā€™s not sharp anymore, itā€™s under a very thin layer of skin and fat . And the flesh either side is just up to level.
Now itā€™s summer, Iā€™m able to give him 2 or 3 fresh flowers from the garden most days for lunch, which he always eats.
Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™s overweight for an SI Eclectus. Though he now flies a couple of laps around the house without getting tired so his muscle mass is healthy.
I know his Dad was a big bird. (But I donā€™t know the weight)
So it seems his natural weight is going to be around 420-450. When he has got to 450 before I reduced lunch a little.

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