How's the weather?

And finally some weather is happening,
28°c and raining
The rain sounds different here, louder from all the tin roofs I am guessing
Welp, we had snow yesterday and today! Another beautiful week in Alberta heehee.
Good morning from paradise
5AM 98% humidity 25°c/77°f

Another glorious week of sunshine ahead
nice and sunny here! but HUMID!!!! it's been raining the past 2 days and thunderstorms were present during the night, and there was fog in the morning. it is currently 67 degrees Fahrenheit
Welcome to Philippines paradise

5:30 AM, 26°c, 79°f 90% humidity
Good morning from the Philippines

5:00 AM 25°c 77°f 99% humidity
so... many... storms... The worms are taking over Iowa.
Today being 1 June is the first day of what we here in Briz Vegas laughingly call "winter". Usually this means mild days with crystal blue skies though the nights can get pretty cold, but today it's started out rainy and a bit miserable. Hopefully we'll get our standard 8 to 10 weeks of cold weather and we can kiss "winter" goodbye for another year!
Weather in the Great Lakes State has been a variation of March, April and May! June appears to be starting in mid-Summer and we will see where it goes!! 80's (F) this coming week with rain! The Great part of life here is: If you do not like the weather, wait a few minutes, it will change. Warning: Not likely what you wanted!! It is likely why, so many people here are always waiting!!!
Beautiful start of the day
26°c 100% humidity
Winnipeg had a balmy, wet day yesterday! Tis a bit cooler this morning (2:30 am) at 14ºC, but it's supposed to go up to 23ºC. We're at 95% humidity. Lots of rain lately!
Looking at a rather eventful week. Thunderstorms every night...that's a change....
Today reminds me of back in Oregon, cloudy and cool ( for the Philippines anyways) with the threat of rain at any moment.

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