How to deal with my parrots odd behavior


New member
Jul 10, 2024
Hi, so I recently posted a thread talking about my birds weird actions and the scare it was causing me. Luckily a nice person had explained to me that it could be hormones and my bird seeing me as a mate. As of recently my mom and brother left to travel and that might be one of the reasons for her behavior since my mom is her favorite person. So for the past week itā€™s been pretty much only me since my dad works a lot and she also doesnā€™t really like him. So as of 3 days ago my bird has been acting strange, she keeps on yelling for me and flying on to my shoulder but then she kind of like lays a little low on my shoulder i guess? Thatā€™s the best I could describe it. And after she does that she gets really aggressive and starts biting my hair, ear and if I have headphones on, sheā€™ll bite them too. And if I try to have her step up when she wants to go on me she will bite me and cause me to bleed. This behavior is really weird as youā€™d typically expect that if a bird bites you then they donā€™t want anything to do with you, this however is wrong as she does exactly the opposite, she keeps wanting to go on me and biting me andwonā€™t leave me alone. Iā€™ve been trying all the stuff Iā€™ve seen on YouTube and google such as taking her off and putting her in a ā€œtime outā€, saying no, attempting to not react to the painful bites but nothing seems to be working. Please help, what should I do to get rid of this behavior as I am traveling in a few weeks and I want to make sure my bird is ok by the time I travel (I am leaving her with a friend who has parrot experience). What should I do, any tips and advice will be greatly appreciated!
Welllllll, I'm the last person to give advice, as I have enabled/spoiled my bird for literally decades, buttttttttttttt...
Yes, the classic answer would be to remove/ignore/cage the bird for undesirable behavior, but that is so hard to accomplish!
Here's a wacky idea. What if you got a big piece of strong cardboard and inserting it between the bird and your head (for a time-out moment) when she bites, thus consequating the bite???
My friend who is reading this with me says that... an extreme solution MIGHT be to trim her wings, which would subdue her, prevent her free access to your head, etc., But I frankly detest the idea of clipping.

Good for you for trying so hard and reaching out. I hope somebody has suggestions better than these!

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