How to convert my untamed parakeets diet?


New member
Mar 3, 2017
Skye, Cloud, Beep, Lilac - American budgies
So, since I got my parakeets Cloud and Skye, they've been on a seed diet. I've realized this definitely isn't good for them, especially since they won't eat fruits OR veggies. Their only "treat" that they like is millet, which has almost no nutritional value. So, I wanted to start the conversion to pellets as they both are healthy and active enough to go through the conversion.

I looked up how to exactly do this, and the only results I got was for tame parakeets. But Cloud and Skye aren't fully tame yet, they only very occasionally step up and won't let me take them a few inches away from their cage when i get them to (I've actually made a post about this, too). So I did what makes sense, I got a pound of zupreem fruit blend and a pound of their normal seed mix. I filled their dish about half and half, there being a little bit more seed, and mixed it (Before I did this I actually tried to wing it and just fill their entire dish with the pellets... they just picked at it a bit and then flew back to their favorite perch). So far, I haven't even caught them at the dish, so I can't really judge wether or not this is working...

Sorry about the essay here, most of my posts turn out this way when I could really just post the question LOL, but is this the right thing to do? What other things can I do to convert untamed parakeets?

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What beauties!

Here are my experiences with diet conversion...

Harrison's Bird Foods
I feed Harrison's, supplemented by fresh healthy treats. My first, and later, my current avian vet recommended it. My bird loves the pellets now, but to get him converted, my avian vet suggested putting pellets out all day, and putting seeds (his old diet) out for two 15-minute periods a day. That would sustain him but leave him hungry enough to try new stuff. I presume the same technique could be used to get him to eat other healthy stuff, like fruits and vegetables! My guy was eating pellets in a couple of days, and now I can feed a good variety of other stuff, knowing he has the pellets as a basic. Pellets are out all day... fresh treats a few times a day. I also like Harrison's via mail because I never have to worry about out-of-date products. :)
Another couple of ideas...
My ol' man is an athlete and health nut. He actually EATS all the good stuff, so it's always around. I find that tossing various stuff into the food bowls at random is good... the variations and differences seem to stimulate curiosity and attention.
The other idea... if you can stand it (lol) EAT the stuff in front of the birds, yes. That encourages them. I have also found that if my ol' man eats stuff in front of the bird, the bird WANTS it for himself. Kinda a rivalry thing!

Good luck.

And good for you, for reaching out.

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