New to owning parakeets


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Jul 2, 2024
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Hello, I am new to this forum and searching for some advice. I recently bought 2 baby parakeets, I am feeding them a seed-based diet. I understand that seed-based diets don't give parakeets all the necessary vitamins, so I am trying to supplement some vegetables and fruit. However, they aren't eating it. Do I need to give them any additional supplements to compensate for the lack of nutrients? Also, I was wondering if I need to give my parakeets any calcium. If so, what brands would you recommend?
Hello, I am new to this forum and searching for some advice. I recently bought 2 baby parakeets, I am feeding them a seed-based diet. I understand that seed-based diets don't give parakeets all the necessary vitamins, so I am trying to supplement some vegetables and fruit. However, they aren't eating it. Do I need to give them any additional supplements to compensate for the lack of nutrients? Also, I was wondering if I need to give my parakeets any calcium. If so, what brands would you recommend?
(From a non-parrot owner, so take this for what it's worth):
If you can access YouTube, look up the BirdTricks channel. I searched "BirdTricks get parrot off seed" and got several videos from them back, including
, which is specific to parakeets (aka Budgies). You can watch a bunch of their YT videos and get a ton of great free information even if you don't want to buy anything from them, though of course you can do that too (sounds like their stuff tends to be good). That channel is a wealth of information for other things as well, and they seem to be highly respected. I am not sure on the calcium, but it seems like most cage setups I see online do not have any.
We have found that if you chop the veggies etc up quite small, almost to a pulp, and mix the seeds in, when they eat the seed they will get some veg too as it will all be stuck together. Eventually they develop a taste for the veg. If the mix gets stuck to their beak when they feed then it is doing the trick!

My first budgie was raised on seed only, now he goes mental for carrot, broccoli etc

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