How NOT to touch during hormonal bouts

Geez Wendy I feel your pain! REALLY! :52: I remember Amy latched on to Arleen's finger and actually fractured it...ouch.

Great post and videos, Wendy! Hope your arm isn't too sore.

It is so good for all of us to remember that our birds have their bird instincts and we have to pay attention and be aware all the time.

They sure keep us on our toes!
My opinion...

I use a t-perch (4 feet long T made of PVC pipe) for my Macaw on occasion. Especially when I'm getting a little grumpy bird action. It is also more effective in getting him down from the top of his cage where I cannot reach.

I will offer my arm, but unless I get a step up pretty quickly I can revert to the T-perch. Usually Mr. Mac will look at it and say "Step up?" He understands. The T-perch isn't intimidated and he can bite it if he wants to, but I will be successful in getting him to step up. Grumpy or not.

I always transfer him from the perch to my arm immediately. (I need to get this on video) I hold it close to my body and then ask him to step up. Since I'm crowding him with my body, he doesn't have room to reach down and try to bite my arm. He steps from the T-perch to arm 100%. Then we do what I need him to do.

I think hand perches can be very helpful in other ways. For instance my bird sitter is a little more cautious with a big Macaw but she is very confident using a T-perch. A little bit of practice and she could put the big bird away whenever she needed.

Now I just need to train the rest of my birds to hand perches. Just for the occasion where I have someone else watching my birds.
Thanks Chris. I have a simple T-perch, however, I very rarely use it these days. It came in super handy for all my birds when I first brought them home.

Don't know if you watched the first clip, but Niko was in a good mood (too good of a mood), however, I touched him in a way I shouldn't have - which he clearly let me know about. :54:

Let me reiterate, he did NOT show any signs of being grumpy when he 'grabbed' my arm.

I VERY rarely have any issues with my guys. :)
Thanks for sharing: it's good to learn how to properly deal with a bad bite that doesn't encourage future unwanted behavior.
Ouch Wendy, that sure is painful, but just a pinch compared with what Nico is capable of delivering. Thanks for the videos, they are helpful for anyone aspiring to life with a macaw.

Nico must be miffed, however, that you refused his "gift" of feeding in the second video! :eek::D
Thanks Chris. I have a simple T-perch, however, I very rarely use it these days. It came in super handy for all my birds when I first brought them home.

Don't know if you watched the first clip, but Niko was in a good mood (too good of a mood), however, I touched him in a way I shouldn't have - which he clearly let me know about. :54:

Let me reiterate, he did NOT show any signs of being grumpy when he 'grabbed' my arm.

I VERY rarely have any issues with my guys. :)

Same here...but I’ve learned the hard way not to bother my girl when she’s deep in her zone playing with her favourite toy. Then she might give me a good pinch. As if she’s saying HEY, CAN’T YOU SEE I’M BUSY PLAYING RIGHT NOW!?
Showed the videos to James. He is not a bird person. Love BB but ya know what he took from it. ............ Cool Wendy likes Dragon Force lmao

[ame=""]DragonForce - Through The Fire And Flames (Video) - YouTube[/ame] sorry about the hormonal teenager. My fiancé didn't know that they self pleased and one day told me she was tangled in her toy, she was not!! Hope things start to level out and the "change" is short lived.

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Jeez Louise Wendy! Ouch!!

I have to say, there is actually some real educational value to these videos. Thank you for posting :). Hope you're not TOO sore

Thanks, Chris!! That was the purpose of my post, actually. Educational - any way possible. You see, this is my first rodeo with a big mac feeling 'his oats'. No, it's no fun, but we'll get through it.

With Ripley quickly approaching sexual maturity, too, it's even LESS fun. And downright SCARY at times.

Males CANNOT be compared to females, that much is certain (and obvious). :32:

What do you mean CANNOT BE COMPARED? Whit wich you have smaller problems?

Thanks Tomaz

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