How long does it take flight feathers to grow out


New member
Jul 18, 2015
Saratoga Springs NY
Gollum - Senegal
Hatch Day- 5/8/15 &

Dobby- Indian Ringneck
Hatch Day- 7/16/15
Gollum was clipped by the breeder. She could glide. How long does it take for them to grow back? It will be nice to try recall training. I have a play area set up in each room so it would be nice for her to be able to follow me by flight instead of having to carry her. Which has helped with bonding I am sure but I am ready for her to have her big girl feathers back lol. I have been shouldering her and that helps with having hands free.
The next molt.

If you get them clipped, and they molt a week later, then you have to get them clipped again.

If you get them clipped the day after they molt than it could be many months before they need to be clipped again.

It's random. Whenever they molt.
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Thank you. I was thinking it was more like fingernails lol. Silly me
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When do Senegals have their first molt? Is it a time of year or age?

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