How do you punish biting?

First you need to figure out what is causing the biting. In this case he is trying to build a nest with a pillow when you tried to stop him. You now need to recreate that experience for him in an acceptable manner in an area that is fine with you, preferably in his cage. Get something that resembles the pillow material but is safe and put it in the cage for him. This way you don't need to bother him and he will not respond by biting!
Put him on the floor, just for a couple seconds. The floor usually doesn't feel safe for parrots so it may make him think twice next time he bites....or it may make him not trust you you'll have to be the one to judge if this is a good idea, I've herd of people doing this though and it helped. also, usually there is a reason for biting, birds don't bite in the wild, usually only to protect themselves, put yourself in his shoes and think about why you would bite? ;) good luck
If I see a bite coming I put my hand a fist and block the bite(I do this with larger birds) so they can;t get a good hold and avoid a bad bite, but other then that I completely ignore the bites.

It's very important to understand why your parrot is biting, my galah never bites me anymore because I've taught her she doesn't have to resort to biting to tell me what she wants. They often bite because they think it's the only way to tell them what they don't want, or want if they have you trained.
That is aggressive behavior. My girl gets like this. She would bite and latch on if she caught my finger and not let go , however i was unintentionally causing this behavior.

So dont let her on your floor to walk around, my girl loves to walk on the floor however she is looking for a hiding place and once she finds one if i approach the area she will come out puffed up and sometimes even sway side to side a bit. She will turn into a she-devil. Under coffee tables , couch, entertainment center i cannot let her near because she will go under them and if i block it up with pillows so she cant go under she will very angrily attack what is blocking the opening to move it out of her way. I cannot approach her only with a perch and the perch has to be long because she will get my hand if its short stick.

I also dont punish biting, what i mean by that is I dont tap her beak or even say no to her. I place her on the back of my desk chair or on the breakfast bar or on her play area and walk off for a bit. However the root of her problem was hiding areas so she is not allowed to walk on my floors or walk on my couch i always have her on my arm when she is out or on something she can perch on. When i watch tv with her on the couch i keep her on my lap and remove my decorative pillows because she will turn evil on me if she is able to hide in or behind something like that. I also make sure i have like my keys or a treat so if she starts to enter into a mood i can jingle my keys or offer her a treat to distract her.

She has not bit me in months and i am grateful so grateful because it would hurt so bad.
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When Mishka bite me years ago, actually just nipped me, I put him back in his cage abd ignored him. He too carried on playing, not knowing he had done wrong.

I later took him out, he tried to nipe me again.......
I made a fist wish my hand, turned it downwards and put it near his beak, and said uhhh uhhhh.

These days if he does try to nipe me, or does something wrong, I show him my fist.
He lowers his head, and says sorry.

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