With my tiel who was a bit nippy when I first got her, I'd just take my hand, and rest it on a perch close by, let her see it, not move, and gradually she came over to explore. I'd do thinks like leave a treat on top of my hand or fist and let her take it. It can take time, but I did things like touch perches and move my hand around a little as she got used to it being in her cage.
Getting your bird used to the presence of your hand in the cage to start, then move to holding treats up but not touching your bird. Let them come to you, don't force the issue, especially after breaking trust before. You'll have to earn theirs back, but don't worry! You've learned what not to do and how to not handle things when he bites. I also will hold my BFA's or my Grey's beak lightly until they're still, saying "Good boy," so they get used to me touching their beak. Gradually increasing the amount of time I hold it, then move to scratch their nose or cheek area so hands around their face aren't scary!
Always reward good behavior and be firm when disciplining. A good strong "No" or "Ow!" to let them know. I would discourage all biting, even if it's a little pinch for now, and work on pressure later once trust is established again.