How do I tell my parrot not to bite

Is there anything I can do to regain its trust...cause it doesn't want to eat from my hand anymore
Isaacsampaul, don't think that any advice that we've given here, or that you read in the link Wendy has so helpfully provided, will serve as a "magical bullet" for your problem with your IRN. There has been a significant breach of trust between you, and it's going to take time to come back from that. It's very important that you understand this, because if you are expecting change overnight you will likely be sorely disappointed and frustrated.

The things we are telling you have to be consistently practices for as long as it takes. That could me a matter of weeks or even long months. But if the relationship matters enough to you, you'll stick it out.

Patience and consistency. I can't emphasize those two enough.
Trying to give some treats and make it up to him. But he seems so scared and came to bite me. So I went away from him. Is this wrong or should I do something else??
"NO BITING!" combine that phrase with a dirty look, and two fingers on the beak.

Captain obvious at your service...:D

Birdman's advice is what works for me. Mine know what "no bite" means and using the two fingers to push their beak away taught mine quick. Usually I say "No. No bite." Last week Venus did something new, she pinched the skin between my fingers and kept pinching harder which I figure she was exploring but man it hurt so I say dramatically, "Owwww that hurt!" She didn't stop so I pushed her beak and said no bite. She went back to her cage after that. She hasn't done it again. I also tel them "that wasn't very nice", all phrases work now. Good luck!
Yup the word NO works for me. Not only for biting but if he tries to get into something all I have to do is say No and he will stop. They understand if taught
With my tiel who was a bit nippy when I first got her, I'd just take my hand, and rest it on a perch close by, let her see it, not move, and gradually she came over to explore. I'd do thinks like leave a treat on top of my hand or fist and let her take it. It can take time, but I did things like touch perches and move my hand around a little as she got used to it being in her cage.

Getting your bird used to the presence of your hand in the cage to start, then move to holding treats up but not touching your bird. Let them come to you, don't force the issue, especially after breaking trust before. You'll have to earn theirs back, but don't worry! You've learned what not to do and how to not handle things when he bites. I also will hold my BFA's or my Grey's beak lightly until they're still, saying "Good boy," so they get used to me touching their beak. Gradually increasing the amount of time I hold it, then move to scratch their nose or cheek area so hands around their face aren't scary!

Always reward good behavior and be firm when disciplining. A good strong "No" or "Ow!" to let them know. I would discourage all biting, even if it's a little pinch for now, and work on pressure later once trust is established again.
Thanks for all your advice guys....guess what we have started to get along. I gave him some treats and each time it tried to bite my hand I took the treat away and said bad boy and went away and each time it didn't bite I said good boy and gave the treat to him and now the biting has been reduced
Beautiful! Now you see that he's begun to make the association. Just stay consistent and your bond with him will eventually deepen.

I'm glad for this update. Keep them coming!
uploadfromtaptalk1442745014041.webp his feathers doesn't seem to grow guys....should I give him any medicine or something..and by the way that's him sitting on my hand
Ok, it sounds like you are pretty new to this. This site is a great place to learn. That bird looks very unhealthy. How old is he? How long since his last bath? Also, his wings are clipped WAY too short to the point that he is actually in danger when he falls and could die if he cracks his keel on the floor, so PLEASE don't clip them like that again. Also it looks like he is plucking or has a different feather issue.

Be patient with his biting. IRNs have a natural fear of fingers anyway, and he was likely biting you out of fear to start with. Depending on his age he could be going through a phase known a bluffing, which is a terrible thing to call it because it is actually a fear based stage. The fact that you hit him on top of all that will mean it takes you longer to gain trust. Please don't give up.
Also,Mehta kind of cage is he in? Do you know what happened to his tail?
He doesn't like water so much that it never drinks it and so I have not given him a bath cause I didn't want to force him. I have not clipped his wings not even once. It has been around 7 months since I got him and his tail also never grew. I bought him at a very small stage. Even if I keep water he just turns the bowl upside down
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OK..will do it...other than bath is there anything else I can do to make him better...he looks very active so I guess he is not sick...
Honestly I would get him to a vet to have bloodwork done. Something just doesn't seem right about him. Not sure where you're located but I'm sure someone could suggest a good vet.
I live in chennai, India and here there are vets only for cats and dogs. I will try and search for one
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Might be worth calling where you got the bird and ask for their vet. I also found this website, might be worth contacting them too.

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