how do I handle two birds


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Aug 9, 2024
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ok so I have my bird Rio and yesterday I got Ollie he's a baby only 2 months old and Rio is 11 months old. first problem is Ollie wants Rio to feed him, Ollie can self feed but I talked to the person I got Ollie from said Ollie was kept alone right after being separated from his mother so he doesn't know any other bird other than his mom and humans. So maybe that is why Ollie meeting a bird same age as his mom maybe thinking it's his mom and he is supposed to feed her. and Rio just gets very confused and Rio is also sort of hormonal yesterday when Ollie was crying for Rio yo feed her Rio though Ollie was signaling to kiss like how birds do before they mate and Rio gave Ollie the mating position.... Ollie does eat by himself when he is very hungry but until he is very hungry he will keep on doing this with Rio. Another things which is when I take Rio and Ollie out Rio would have to me then Ollie would also want to come and then when Rio tries to interact, Rio gets scared and flies away like Rio wants to interact but when she does she just gets scared and flies away she is was very flighty today because of that. but when they are in the cage when Rio tries to interact all Ollie does is cry for food to her so Rio is just confused and runs around in annoyance. will they adjust? and when I have both the birds on me for a bit Rio will eventually fly away like she flies away lands on top of her cage then wants to come like sort of signals me she wants to step up so I go there and give my finger and she steps up then she flies away again and the same thing happens(it all happens when Ollie is on my shoulder too) like Rio wants to come to me again and again and also wants to interact with Ollie but she's just scared and flies away but wants to come back again. so my question is how to make Rio feel comfortable enough to interact with us without getting scared? (oh ollie has a tendency of biting like he doesn't bite Rio just makes it look like he will when Rio annoys her too much well not annoy when Rio tries to interact) so what do i do? will they settle down by themselves?
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Give them time. It will take both birds a little while to get to know each other and settle into this new routine. It sounds like they are doing pretty well so far. Just watch for any concerning behavior that could lead to aggression. Also, don’t push them to interact; with you or each other. Let them decide what they are comfortable with for now. Hopefully they settle in soon ❤️
they are now very comfortable with each other but seems like not so interested in me, how can I use a gentle approach and encourage them to interact with me? and my older Rio loves Miko a bit to much to the point where miko is a bit uncomfortable will Rios excitement slowly settle down?.and when I try to interact with Rio or Miko by giving them treats Rio will eat the treats and fly away to Miko XD vice versa but I don't want to separately take them out Rio had another friend before and because of my previous mistake of separately taking Rio out and since the other bird wasn't tame I didn't take her out that much I did but not as much as Rio so she flew away :( so now I don't want to repeat it and want to take both of them out of the cage and I want them to interact with me, I sort of forgot about taming on top of that two birds. they come to me only for treats. So I want gentle approach and I want both of them to want to come to me and want to interact with me so can you give me some tips?^^

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