How did certain species end up more commonly in the pet trade?

I forgot about Canary Winged too. I started my interest in birds in the early 90's with finches. Man I went absolutely crazy for finches lol! No forums... I learned a lot the hard way. By the mid 90's I used to see Canary Winged parakeets around, but not too many even by then.
Bird Paradise in NJ gets a lot of Canary Winged every spring. They are very cute little birds!!
1. heap of species X trapped and sold.
2. People buy as pets.
3. Friends and neighbours want one too.
4. more of same species trapped and sold.

When you are selling something, you care about turning over your "stock" and getting money. Particularly trappers. They weren't conservationists, or enthusiasts, or bird-lovers. They were just grabbing stuff to sell. If demand for bird X had started, they'd concentrate on satisfying that demand rather than "bothering" to introduce something else.

EDIT: have we got a glossary on the forum?

YES. I re-read, and I think you hit the nail on the head with this :).

Also, here is a parrot species abbreviation list (from 2006 :eek:)

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