Housing conure in tank

Bird lovers are very protective over the feathered babies and don't mean to be rude but sometime come across being that way. I saw your post when you put it up and didn't answer because i was worried about coming across like that. If those new to birds don't ask they learn the hard way and that could cost the bird its life so please stick with us. I wouldn't do the tank because of how much birds do love to climb. Air cir. is very important to a birds health. I am sure as you know owning critters that do live in tanks if it isn't kept spotless it gets a smell and a conure poops around 25 to 40 times a day. That ends up being a lot of cleaning just to keep him from walking in it. I am sure you will be a great bird owner as long as you care enough to ask and seek help when you need it. Sorry for the long reply.
I'm not taking it personally man, well I did at first but now I'm not, I just want to feel like I can ask a question. Like I wouldn't have signed up for this forum unless I was seeking help and advice
I'm am sorry if you got turned off by some of the members comments on the board. I'm fairly new here, but I've gotten some really good advice here and met a lot of nice people.
Don't leave yet. We can be a pretty good source of info.
Now here's my tid-bit. I'm with the general vote...don't put it in a tank, but I guess you've got that now :-P

Honestly with the way my conure is acting I'm thinking he doesn't even need a cage. Just a play stand. haha. (kidding)

Best of luck to you and enjoy your new birdie!!

I don't have a bird yet, still debating if I want to get one, I'm trying to figure out if my schedule will allow enough time to give a conure enough attention, I live by myself and work so I'm not sure if this would be ok? I would be able to spend an hour with him in the morning and then 2-3 hours in afternoon, but from 9-4 he would be all alone and I'm not sure if this is healthy
I don't have a bird yet, still debating if I want to get one, I'm trying to figure out if my schedule will allow enough time to give a conure enough attention, I live by myself and work so I'm not sure if this would be ok? I would be able to spend an hour with him in the morning and then 2-3 hours in afternoon, but from 9-4 he would be all alone and I'm not sure if this is healthy

Conures need a LOT of attention. I wouldn't want to leave one alone daily from 9-4. You are their "flock" and they're very social birds. Leaving one alone for that long could be bad for the bird. You could end up with a very depressed and lonely bird. This could lead to health issues and behavioral issues.

You may want to just hear from other working folks who have conures and see what they do.

You might consider a different species. A cockatiel (maybe a pair). Or maybe a pair of budgies even.

Best of luck to you!
When i got my sun conure i was working 7 days a week with one day off a month. I left at 7am and didn't get home till 7pm. I just made sure i played with him at least 30 mins in the morning and at least 2 hours when i got home. Did that for 2 years and he never had any problems beening home alone all that time but he did have a cage large enough for a grey with at least 4 toys in it that was rotated every other day. I made sure he had the best food i could get and gave him small servings of fruit and veggys morning and night. But he enjoyed eating supper with me more than anything. I do go to work for a week every month and all my babies are fine with me being gone that long i just make it up to them when i get home. But if you are still worried you can always leave the t.v. on for him/her mine love to watch cartoons just like a kid lol.
I just saw this thread and I think that you got some shocked answers not rude answers. Only a person into reptile would consider putting a bird in an aquarium I think. It is just that a lot of people know so much about birds that it seems inconceivable to them to house a bird in a tank! They need fresh air, and climbing, and you stick all kind of toys/food on/through the bars and scritch your little one through them sometimes even. And the mess drops down below beyond reach etc.....and most are on wheels if you want to bring them outside etc.....

People are passionate about their fids. It is funny in a way as bird forums seem to be a bird's protective place and everyone will fight for their rights LOL. I love it :)

But I also disagree on an aquarium as a house for your bird. Glad you do your homework beforehand.

And PS: This is the best ALL PARROTS, most active forum on the planet I found. So stick around!!! :) :)
I don't have a bird yet, still debating if I want to get one, I'm trying to figure out if my schedule will allow enough time to give a conure enough attention, I live by myself and work so I'm not sure if this would be ok? I would be able to spend an hour with him in the morning and then 2-3 hours in afternoon, but from 9-4 he would be all alone and I'm not sure if this is healthy

I leave both my birds home "alone" from 7:30-5:00. They are fine. My fiance is home most of the day with them on most days but she doesnt really interact with them too much. They get limited interaction in the morning if any but are out of their cages from the time I get home till we go to bed at night.

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