Horsey photoshoot


Active member
Aug 9, 2012
Queensland, Australia
Fargo- Blue and Gold Macaw
Anotherrrr horsey thread ;)

I still have to get pictures of Kyros and Fargo together!! I haven't got one! haha

Kyros and maybe Klaatu, are being used for the advertising for a horse shampoo company.. So the man sent out a photographer...

It was a miserable day, rain clouds, no sun.. So the photographer said it probably wouldn't look great..

I hate photos, i hate modeling, i am a very shy, behind the camera person... and yet for someeeeee reason i had to be in the photos to model... GAH

The lady does photos for a horse magazine, so the pictures she likes, she is going to use in the magazine i think.. Hmmmm


I washed Kitai first, then Klaatu, then Kyros..

Kitai was great, Klaatu was ok, and Kyros was ok..

But Kyros just hates his head being done, and i was trying to put the hose up like it was raining.. And he pulled his head up.. and he just got a face full of water hahahaha Silly horse!

Klaatu then ran to dry...

Kitai rolled to dry... Whilst i said- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Kyros and Klaatu drying together-
Klaatu is not even 3 yet, and he is about 17hh, i wouldn't be surprised if he reaches 18hh haha

I like Klaatu's hairiness haha

This was about an hour or 2 into the photos, we went onto the mountain, and the lady was like-
Can you hold all 3? and i was like of courseeeee..

She couldnt believe how quiet and dopey they were.. Any other horse wouldn't stand together, or bite each other..
But these three are the most laid back horses i have ever met..

And that was the first day they had been together.. and they didn't even care

They all look sooooo sleepy :S

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and Klaatu's big head blocked out Kitai!

Then it was just Kyros all saddled up... Even though he has neverrrrrr been ridden in this paddock before... -_- gah

and he didn't want to do anything, so he plodded along.. Asleep hahaha

And then we went over to the arena.. Which i thought we could then actually ride..

But nope.. Apparently i had to just chase Kyros around the arena -_-

Then just sit with him..

The photographer said that when i am standing next to him like this, i make him look small, and you wouldn't think he was this giant horse haha

But you can see their coats are so dull, and absolutely noooo shine.. Where as usually they are super duper shiny!

Needless to say... NONE of us like modeling... Was a veryyyy long 3 hours... haha
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Despite you not liking the photos, I LOVE them. :p

No, they don't look dull at all. Yes, they would have been glistening in the sun....but hey, they all still look just GORGEOUS!

I can't get over Klaatu. He looks SO grown up in those photos. :D He is quite the looker!!! And yes, he will be ENORMOUS, no doubt about that. :11:

And my already know what I'm going to say next, right? Please tell the photo shop person to stop blacking out the lovely person who is holding the horses. :54:
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Hahahah Klaatu is just my ugly duckling that turned into a swan...

When i first went to see Klaatu, he reminded me of a dork?

Honestly, mum said, what did you think of him.. and i said... If he was a human.. he would be the geekiest, dorkiest looking person ever!!!
But he just had that awkward cuteness about him?

MASSIVE ears, what were too big for his head

But now he has finally filled out his ears a bit better... He is only 2 years and 9 months, so his nose isn't actually filled out yet.. It still has the hard nostril thingies, the vet said his nose still has to grow out, i dont know how to explain it :eek: hahaha

and he was only just 15hh last year.. So in one and a half years, he has grown almost 2 hands.. hahaha thats insane!

For everyone who wants to know- this was baby Klaatu..

Klaatu a bit older with his big ears and funny face...

and just his height, and i was shorter then too, so he was small :p
beautiful photo's Tab-

do you know who you remind me of??

Wilson from Home Improvements....remember that show?? was Tim's neighbour and they always hid his face as a gimmick.
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beautiful photo's Tab-

do you know who you remind me of??

Wilson from Home Improvements....remember that show?? was Tim's neighbour and they always hid his face as a gimmick.

HAHHAHAHAHHA :09: :09: :09:

That's hilarious... Yes :rolleyes:

I just don't like photos, hence i love my hair to hide my face in..

But the photographer kept saying- put your hair behind your ears :eek:

Fingers crossed there are some nice photos she took.. Said it will take a few days to get them back!

If there are none that the shampoo man doesn't like, will probably have to have another shoot on a sunny day :31:
They still look shiny. Beautiful. You and Kyros look so good together. I think the overcast conditions make the scenery more interesting. It'll be interesting to see whether the shampoo people want to have photos in full sun or not.
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Yes but look how shiny he usually is! :09:

There just no glisten without sun!

I thought that too though, but i thought it would be really cool if it was like a storming background? Not just overcast? :(

You know, wind blowing, black skies.. But the weather just sucked :p haha

Think it would of been nice to of gotten some ridden shots though.. Even bareback -_-
If the man doesnt like the pics, we will get a different photographer out, didn't really like this lady :p haha
I sure love your life.....:)
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Hahahaha i love my life too :p Most of the time, when all the horses are healthy and happy !

Klaatu was feeling super good yesterday:

Its a little scary how fast he runs around, dodges just before a fence :S haha

Jumping invisible jumps

His pretty face

and a lovely high kick
Parrots and horses are my 2 great passions!! I keep saying that I WILL have a horse before I die........hmmmm better hurry, I'm getting old.
Klaatu is amazing! He's the one you never tell stories of, Tab and he's beautiful! Gotta love his feathers! LOL! And how athletic is he for a great big bloke? Give him a kiss from Aunty Trisha.

Let's see if the emoticon works - :smile020:

Hah! It worked!
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Haha Trish, it's because i don't really do much with him yet!! He is just in the paddock growing up.. So no riding stories!

Plus i had him May 2012, and wasn't really on the forum then, so he missed out on the photo threads ;)

See, there are these threads though :p

I absolutely love his cross, he has a huge muscly build, but at the same time its athletic and fine ?

He has the traits of both breeds!

To me, it kinda seems like he has these super solid clydesdale type legs, they are like tree trunks, when we got him his legs were thicker than our 16.1hh warmblood, and he was only 15hh!

MASSIVE hooves, big bottom, roman clydesdale nose, thick neck, and then a thinner fine type of body? So he has the leg strength, but athletic figure?

He is just my little baby.. Considering he isn't ridden or worked, it's like he naturally has a good build? :p

Biggest bottom ever though hahaha

See the barb wire fences? They are 5 strand, you can see the height in the one where he is trotting.. He CLEARS those fences..

Twice in the past week he has jumped out of the paddock :S

His first owner said he jumped out of full cattle yards :eek: He is going to be a great jumper
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