Hormonal time


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Parrot of the Month 🏆
Apr 26, 2022
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Han Solo - SI Male Eclectus

Does anyone have any ideas on how to discourage regurgitation on me.

My boy loves me and will sit on my hand stare at my fingers then regurgitate, mostly he swallows it again, but he will
gently caress the ends of my fingers whilst he is eating it obviously leaving some behind.
I don’t mind too much, but I’ve read some people have been able to redirect this behavior to say a toy or a branch.
Can anyone help ? Is it as simple as just putting him on a perch?
I can get him off my hand, but all he does is fly back to my knee and try to climb to my face/mouth instead. So far my hand is the better option!
My Ekkie Nico does behave this way. He is always in the mood to mate 24 7 365. There are things I can do to distract, but nothing stops his mating behaviors entirely. For an example I’ll give him a bath, and then he’s so focused on preening that he isn’t trying to mate with me.
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My Ekkie Nico does behave this way. He is always in the mood to mate 24 7 365. There are things I can do to distract, but nothing stops his mating behaviors entirely. For an example I’ll give him a bath, and then he’s so focused on preening that he isn’t trying to mate with me.
Boys eh .. lol yep mines the same .. thank you. We had a new bathroom fitted 2 months ago and he still won’t go into the new shower area.
I’ll just keep distracting him with toys. He loves bells and will follow one around the house. Can you guess what his Christmas gift is 🤣.
I'm such a perv - I consider it a compliment!
Piccolo does the same as well.
a big thing is food make sure he is eating like harrisons not nothing fruity with color zupream etc . my first eckie was major hormonal , my second guy on harrisons nothing at all . I adopted him. so sweet .
a big thing is food make sure he is eating like harrisons not nothing fruity with color zupream etc . my first eckie was major hormonal , my second guy on harrisons nothing at all . I adopted him. so sweet .
Thanks Mish, yes my guy toe taps to almost anything man made.. the man made pellets or additives/preservatives. Even Topps which are organic & don’t have any preservatives in.
He is fed on only on fresh veg /chop, a tiny sprinkle of seed; I mean not even a teaspoon a day, and about 1/3 fruit. He is a very hormonal guy. I’ve seen him with ppl he doesn’t see often, he acts sweet to them. Yesterday he even let somebody touch/stroke him.
He is having a large moult right now, feathers everyday on the floor.
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Does anyone have any ideas on how to discourage regurgitation on me.

My boy loves me and will sit on my hand stare at my fingers then regurgitate, mostly he swallows it again, but he will
gently caress the ends of my fingers whilst he is eating it obviously leaving some behind.
I don’t mind too much, but I’ve read some people have been able to redirect this behavior to say a toy or a branch.
Can anyone help ? Is it as simple as just putting him on a perch?
I can get him off my hand, but all he does is fly back to my knee and try to climb to my face/mouth instead. So far my hand is the better option!
We go through this with Piccolo. One thing that does help, for whatever reason, is that we offer him my chapstick tube. He holds it, while sitting on our hand, and "feeds" it instead. We tell him feed the baby. The first time he did it was with a pink tube I had, and it still seems to be his favorite. It is empty and washed though so that he doesn't get a lid off and get into chapstick though. I wondered if the pink somehow registers in his brain that it is a baby bird maybe? Either way it is a bit of a break from having it smeared on you... we offer plenty of praise. He has actually gotten to where he will walk over and pick it up to feed it.

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