Honestly, I need your help. My senior mom is going to get budgies whether I like it or not. How can I help the birds?

I used to be like your mom. Andy was my first pet and I didn't pay attention to her needs, same diet, same toys, small cages, cage kept bird, lonely, untrained. when i got Sky, she was finally free from her cage with sky because I NEEDED to learn, they say "the older the wiser" that's me. show your mom this please. I hope she sees that birds aren't just a "thing" you have and get to show off but instead a living, intelligent, creature of God's creation. keeping a bird in a cage is like keeping a toddler in time-out for life. experts say that the average parrot has the intelligence of a 5 year old. you can make lifelong memories from birds, ask her what lifelong memories she has with all of hers. don't be surprised when she says "I don't remember any" or "I guess I don't have any". from Eagles to Parrotlets all birds deserve a good life. I never needed to train my dog not to eat the birds after he got pecked in the eye by our chicken. but many parrot owners don't allow the cats or dogs in the same room.
Ouch! Too bad that your dog ended up learning a lesson the hard way.
Hi! I'm the original poster.

This post was from February but I received e-mail notification of recent activity.

Sorry I did not update sooner. My mom ended up not getting a bird(s)!!! Maybe what I told her finally sunk in! And when she got over her ego/pride and being mad at me it made sense and she decided against it

Thanks to everyone for the advice!

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