Homing Pidgeon?


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2015
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Amy a Blue Front 'Zon
Jonesy a Goffins 'Too who had to be rehomed :-(

And a Normal Grey Cockatiel named BB who came home with me on 5/20/2016.
The other night at work,as I was about to pull a trailer way from one of the docks ( the docks are enclosed,but the bay doors are kept open in the summer)
I saw a pidgeon sitting on the concrete floor,alittle fluffed up.
I got out of my truck and slowly walked up to him,got about 10 feet away,and he slimmed down and started walking in the opposite direction..he ended up hiding under a docked trailer,but I noticed he had two bands,one on each leg..a red and green band.
I'm assuming it was a Homer because of the bands. Earlier that evening we had a nasty storm come through..lightning thunder heavy rain and some wind.
I'm wondering if he got lost,blown off course,or just said "forget this s***...I'm landing!"
The sun was starting to rise when I left work and he was still under the trailer. Hope he made it home ok :o

They sometimes either get blown off course and/or run out of gas so to speak.

Chances are if you had offered food/drink he would have been off on his merry way.
yeah my grandad used to have a couple pidgeons on the isle of wight and he would find a couple would go for a few days longer than usual when storms were about but they'd find their way back home most of the time
Yup, Cloud banks, Fog banks and Storms will down them. Commonly, and as stated, they will sit for a while (in your case, out of the storm) and once the skies clear they will be off.

Have had them run into our sails in Fog banks and if they are lucky than slide down onto the deck. If not, they fall into the water and sink quickly. The ones on the deck will find a place out of the way and rest until the Sun bakes-off the Fog.

Sounds like your Pidgeon had batch and club bands as noted by the colors. If you are interested, do a Web Search for Pidgeon Clubs in your area and they commonly have Club information and contact numbers. Remember to serach a couple States either side of you.

The Clubs in our area will fly their Pidgeons across Lake Michigan during the warmer half of the year. Not the brightest idea in my World!
Haven't you guys ever warched Gilligan's island?
There is an episode where a homing pigeon gets blown off course and onto there island.LOL
Haven't you guys ever warched Gilligan's island?
There is an episode where a homing pigeon gets blown off course and onto there island.LOL

Oh that MaryAnn! ;) :p

Yup, Cloud banks, Fog banks and Storms will down them. Commonly, and as stated, they will sit for a while (in your case, out of the storm) and once the skies clear they will be off.

Have had them run into our sails in Fog banks and if they are lucky than slide down onto the deck. If not, they fall into the water and sink quickly. The ones on the deck will find a place out of the way and rest until the Sun bakes-off the Fog.

Sounds like your Pidgeon had batch and club bands as noted by the colors. If you are interested, do a Web Search for Pidgeon Clubs in your area and they commonly have Club information and contact numbers. Remember to serach a couple States either side of you.

The Clubs in our area will fly their Pidgeons across Lake Michigan during the warmer half of the year. Not the brightest idea in my World!

That's a great idea Steven! Thanks for the thought my friend!


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