Ho Hum, just a bad day that I wanted to turn into something better :)

I can't speak for anyone else, but I'd rather stab myself in the eye than talk on the phone. I'm on the phone at work. When I get home I like email or messaging or whatever. You can ask anyone who knows me. I won't answer the phone with the exception of my mother and kids. Everyone else knows to send me a text message.

I'm like that too!!! Even without a phone job, I just can't explain why. I can answer and talk if someone calls, but I can't pick up the phone and dial out very easily. Even people like my mom, or a friend! I just feel too lazy to talk and start a phone conversation, or just simply don't feel up to it. I know it doesn't make sense that on the other hand, if someone calls me first, I can talk, and talk, and talk, and talk......:52:
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Oh, I feel better now. I felt better by the time I posted it and figured I'd put it out there, kind of as a message of cheer, not desperation. But thank you for caring! :)

I already even told my mom I thought what she said was offensive. And of course she still doesn't 'get it'. I don't think she ever will. Does it make me mad sometimes? Oh yeah. Do I love her? Absolutely. She is a total flake sometimes but we all have our quirks.

And yes phones are painful. LOL. I am not a phone girl. I talk to people for my job all day long and I am among people constantly so when I am finally home, in peace, PEACE OUT YO. haha
That is also how I interpreted it, Patti. And I think that if even one person runs across this thread and is given hope that people can get past the hurts in the past, and that it is nothing to be ashamed of, then that is a wonderful thing. I hope that person will see the beautiful ,strong and incredible women you all are and know that it is possible to move past the pain. I think it is incredibly brave to share stories of the things that have shaped us n the past, and that it is possible to get to a place where it can be talked about openly.

I am proud to know you all.
so i finally read this post. I have been avoiding it because I have been having my own bad days and was in a negative mood. Now I wish I had read it sooner. I am proud of your for your attitude, I am sorry you are surrounded by hurtful family, and I admire your recovery. I don't have the same struggles you do, but mine are similar enough that I can relate on certain levels.

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