Hi there, a little help?


New member
Jun 30, 2011
My name is Maria. I have a... 1 month and 2 to 3 week old amazon. I don't know exactly what kind he is. He looks like a red lored. Anyway, I recently bought him a cage, his previous home was a box where I put several sticks in so he could climb and play, he loved it but now he seems to be more interested in flying (which he does a lot ) I used to feed him 3 times a day. Now every morning when I get up he doesnt want to eat and starts flying away :/
He does eat when he gets really hungry (handfeed)
Is something wrong with him? Maybe he doesn't like his food anymore? When should I stop handfeeding him?


this is him 2 weeks ago, he's got more feathers now.

someone help? what kind is he and why doesn't he wanna eat on time?
i have no idea with hand rearing, but i am sure some1 will come along soon an give advice
an awww at pic
Where did you get him from that you don't know what he is?
Oh my goodness, so young......I don't know anything about raising a baby bird....I hope someone comes along to help you out soon....
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Where did you get him from that you don't know what he is?
Oh my goodness, so young......I don't know anything about raising a baby bird....I hope someone comes along to help you out soon....

I'm from Honduras, and these kinds of parrots are common here. They fly in flocks. If you want to keep one as a pet, you need to get a permission from the government.
Baby parrot | Photo I need to know the name in english. I googled it and it MAY be a white-fronted parrot. My brother bought him. He's very active and loves to fly haha or at least he tries to xD
I just fed him C: his pouch is full and he's relaxing now.
By the way, his name is Paco.
I think you may have a baby white front. :) He looks a lot like a Mexican Red head, but Mex's don't have the red under the eye.
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Have you taken Paco to the vet? I think you may want to get him checked :) And the vet can tell you how often you need to feed, etc. Amazons love to "stretch their wings" so flying is very normal :)
She is probably a baby white-front. They won't get the white until they get a little older. Could also be a red-spectacled amazon since they don't get full red plumage until adult but they aren't native to Honduras so I am gonna say white front. When they get older the white front is one of a couple amazons that you can tell the sex by their coloration. Males will get a red edging to the front of their wings. Plus that very tiny bit of yellow feathering above the beak leads to white-front. As juveniles the feathering there will be yellow before turning white.

If it is a red-spectacled then no white will develop and a whole lot more red, and the red edging will appear on both sexes.

As far as feeding... as they get older they want/need less formula food and transition to solid. One way to tell if they need food is if there is an empty crop (pouch?), if it is empty then try feeding him. Continue to feed him until he goes days without wanting to be handfed. You can try to introduce pellets and fresh fruits/veggies to see if he wants to eat solid foods. A really good way to check if they are getting enough food is check their weight every day and write it down. You should see a general trend of getting heavier until they begin to fledge, then their weight will drop pretty sharply.

But I also recommend seeing an avian vet as soon as you are able. They can give you all the info you need.

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Oh wow thank you!! Idk which of those fly around here, they usually live in mango trees ( we have 4 in our back yard ) during mango season. I'll try to take pictures of the flock when they come back next month. They look like my Paco.

He ate right now. He wanted me to feed him and his pouch is full again. I think it was just getting used to his new home. He's gotten pretty big and I've only had him for almost 3 weeks now.

I just took this picture C: this is him now.

Thanks a lot everyone for your help!! I'm glad I found this forum ^^
No advice, just wanted to say that Paco is adorable and that eating a mango by a mango tree visited by a flock of Amazons sounds like absolute heaven to me!
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No advice, just wanted to say that Paco is adorable and that eating a mango by a mango tree visited by a flock of Amazons sounds like absolute heaven to me!

It is.
If you ever come to Honduras, visit Copan, there's a parrot sanctuary there. There are LOOOTS of macaws and all sorts of parrots. It's pretty awesome.
This is Macaw Mountain http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2932/22/30/825125176/n825125176_6461268_1196804.jpg




aand lots more XDDD thought I'd share C:
I believe that he is a White Fronted or Spectacled Amazon.
It tells more here about them:
White Fronted Amazon Parrots - Spectacled Amazon Parrots as Pets - White Fronted Amazon Species Profile
Here are more pictures of them:

A Spectacled Amazon & a White Fronted Amazon are just 2 different names for the same parrot.
Yes, it sounds like you'd better get him to an Avian vet very soon because of your feeding problem.
When Alex started to wean he dropped his first feed of the day before the rest. Just keep offering formula while having unlimited pellets/seed and veg available. I found Alex would want less and less formula while starting to eat more and more adult food. They kinda wean themselves, but it can be nerve wracking that they arn't taking their formula as much!

I just offered formula every few hours when I bought him home, as well as every time I noticed he had an empty or near empty crop, or if he begged (he'd let me know if he needed a top up). Gradually this dropped to afew feeds a day plus offering one if he was empty as he was eating plenty on his own, to him refusing feeds altogether and eating on his own. He does still like the occasional spoon of formula as a treat, but thats it now. :) It took him longer to wean then normal because his hand rearer fell ill as he started to wean and I had to take over. He was quite insecure and had to re-form bonds with a new 'parent' before he was comfortable weaning. In fact he went to stay at her place for afew nights while I was away and it was only after that that he would wean.

Regardless I think it would be a good time to get a vet check-up on your little boy. I have no idea what age your bird should be weaning. You can have a professional look over him and put your mind at rest.
I have no experiance and cant give any advice but it is a lovely bird !!
Spectacled is the wrong term. It was used for them because of the eye glasses look over the eyes. Howard Voren declared that 'spectacled' is just a diffrent way to be identified.

Now if you purchased an unweaned baby without any knowledge the. You have greatly risked this babies life. If you picked him up out the wild then that's even worse.
Vet him. Something serious could be in order. Zone typically wean around 14 weeks. smaller zons (like this wf) wean sooner. But maybe by a week. I usally feed for 14 regardless of age. I allow them to wean naturally. However purchasing unweaned babies is a big no no. Essp for an inexperienced caretender.
All I can say is hope you smooth this out. Just remember. No more buyin unweaned babies.

Oh also buying unweaned zons have a huge problem. They follow you as mommy. Till sexual maturity then they leave you. Not always but I'm working with 4 diffrent zons
That were divorce birds. Left there owner for no apparent reason
Every story starts off as " I purchased him at 4 weeks and hand raised him"
What happens is in the wild after there sexually mature they flock out to start there own. Sometimes they don't. But for the most yes. They refuse they parent to find a mate. Same within captivity. They leave there parent to find a mate. Going from sweet and cuddle to mean and bite lunging. Extreamlly typical for amazons.
I hope your baby is ok. Looks healthy. Looks fine. Try offering some pellets and millet.
He's in my prayers
They are still called Spectacled Amazons or White Fronted Amazons.
I did research.
See my links.
I think the point was Spectacled is more of a slang term and purist (like me)would rather see people use a more correct name;White Front. Not a big deal.
Your 'zon is so cute! Here is picture of my white fronted re-homed just to compare.

I believe you have a beautiful red lord amazon. he's starting to wean off the formula. Is he going to bed with a full crop? If so make sure its empty by the morning. You also need to make sure you have a bowl on the floor with plenty of chopped fruits and veg for him to sample. Moist pellets can also be offered at this time but remember not to leave un eatin food in the cage for to long it can spoil and cause sour crop. Keep offering formula until all is rejected and he's eating solids. Keep a good record of his weight because this is a crucial stage of their development.

Good luck and keep us posted.
Your so lucky to live next to there wild habitat. Beautiful flocks everywhere I couldn even dream

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