Hi guys


Apr 26, 2017
Reaction score
I have no parrots but am so interested
Hey so how do you actually post a thread. The only way i can post a thread is by going to my private messages, scrolling down, clicking the Welcome ILikeParrots by Allee email and clicking start new introducton thread.
Hey so how do you actually post a thread. The only way i can post a thread is by going to my private messages, scrolling down, clicking the Welcome ILikeParrots by Allee email and clicking start new introducton thread.

Great Question!

Go to the main page or near any page. Select: Forums. Now, select the Forum that you want to create a Thread.

If this is the Forum you want to create a new Thread, go to the upper left corner and come down to the top of that Forum's banner. Hidden (tiny box :D) is a button that states New Thread or Create a Thread (something like that) and click that button. You will get a box to start a new Thread. Take the time to assure that you Title it correctly - once you submit the Thread, the Title is locked. So double check that you have worded it correct and the spelling is good.

Thanks so much! Im going to post a thread in a sec so be aware of that!
Thanks so much! Im going to post a thread in a sec so be aware of that!

Think it though! Take what you have learned and use that to define your question. This will get you more specific answers and more knowledge.

Hey so how do you actually post a thread. The only way i can post a thread is by going to my private messages, scrolling down, clicking the Welcome ILikeParrots by Allee email and clicking start new introducton thread.

Sorry, I'm a bit confused. You have already created 7 unique threads! :confused:
Hey so how do you actually post a thread. The only way i can post a thread is by going to my private messages, scrolling down, clicking the Welcome ILikeParrots by Allee email and clicking start new introducton thread.

Sorry, I'm a bit confused. You have already created 7 unique threads! :confused:

The OP was unsure of how to create a Thread in the Forums. That is now handled and the First Thread outside of New Members is up: "Any Bird Rescue or Adoption Centre In UAE?"

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