Hi! Glad to find this forum


New member
Feb 4, 2014
Outer Banks, NC
Timneh AG
Congo AG
A big HI to everyone here. Just wanted to introduce myself and my two Greys- Sammy who is a female 37 year old Timneh I adopted 9 years ago after she outlived her previous owners, and Beasley, a male 12 year old Congo who came to live with us about 16 days ago. Beasley's family had to rehome him when they found themselves overwhelmed with serious health issues and Beasley was not getting the attention he was accustomed to.

Both parrots have their own cage but share the same room. So far thing have gone better than expected. Beasley shows some anxiety first thing in the morning when I uncover his cage, but after a few minutes he calms down and begins his chatter and singing. Sammy doesn't seem too intimidated but she is jealous and competitive, and talks nonstop.

Good news -- I have not been bitten. Yet. I've been very careful, slow in my actions, talking in a soft voice, trying to make sure that there is a regular schedule, no surprises. Beasley has come up to the cage bars and let me touch his beak about 4 times now, but I haven't pushed the issue of scratching his head or trying to get him to perch on my hand. He's been out of the cage once, and I just sat and read a book while he enjoyed a little free time, then I was able to coax him back inside with a small piece of a Nilla Wafer. Sweet.

Bad news -- his previous diet. The lady gave me all the food she feeds him, when I got home, the first thing I did was open the containers and take a whiff. Ugh, rancid. Threw it all out. Fortunately Beasley accepted his new food so willingly, and I am hoping his new diet will bring back that healthy sheen to his feathers like my Timneh has.

Sammy eats everything -- fruits, veggies, pasta, cooked chicken (little cannibal!), and if she could dial a phone, I am sure she's order a pizza to be delivered. Hopefully Beasley will see her eating all these tasty good things and try them, but I guess that just takes time.

I would greatly appreciate all advice on what to expect from Beasley. Sammy was a walk in the park when I adopted her. It was only a matter of a couple of weeks before she accepted me and cuddling on my shoulder. In all these years, she has never bitten me. Beasley is much larger and I am a little intimidated so even though I think I know what to do, I am sure there is so much I don't know and many things I may be overlooking or taking for granted. Your help and guidance will be most appreciated, and I will share all the things I learn to help others here as well.

Thank you for reading this, and thank you all for being here for each other.
Hello and welcome! I'm glad you found us as well:) So wonderful that you took inSammy and Beasley when they needed you. I do not have greys, so can't be of much help with that, but I am sure someone else will chime in soon. I'd love to see pictures of them:)
Hey there! so glad you decided to join us :)
we LOVE seeing pictures, so when you get a second, please load some.
btw, congratulations on adopting Mr.Beasley.

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