Hi everyone


New member
May 11, 2014
Hi there,
just thought I would introduce myself. I've got two budgies, two quails, and my new edition are two IRN which Im having a few problems with (hence why I joined) im a student and have a passion for exotics. I would be very interested to learn about a wide range of species, particularly the troubles or good experiences you've had in a veterinary setting (we don't get taught as much about exotics as i would like and would love to hear some of your experiences so I don't make the same mistakes in practice)
hope to hear some great advice from you all
Hi, are you studying to be a vet?
My advice would be - learn to clip wings properly! The amount of vets that just don't know how to do a good wing clip is ridiculous :p

Hopefully you enjoy the site, and learn a lot :)
Hi, are you studying to be a vet?
My advice would be - learn to clip wings properly! The amount of vets that just don't know how to do a good wing clip is ridiculous :p

Hopefully you enjoy the site, and learn a lot :)

I think probably mostly it's the vet assistants who do the clipping and stuff that doesn't need a doctor's or registered tech.
I'm pretty lucky at my vet's office, it's an RVT (like a registered nurse) who has birds herself for many years, and does a fabulous job in whatever you need (beak, wings, nails).

Welcome to the forum! You'll find this is a great place to chat and learn. Also look under the search feature, and browse some old posts when the forum is slow. Some you'll find are pretty interesting if not amusing.
Welcome! Hope you decide to specialize in exotics because there are not nearly enough Avian Vets out there! GOOD LUCK
Hello and welcome! So glad you joined us and I'd love to see pictures of your birds;)
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Thanks for such warm welcomes guys. I'm sure I'm going to learn a lot from everyone.

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