Hi all

Ok, Treenam, so glad avain vet, and thanks for explaining.
Going to pray do hard for you too
Very saddened to know Kuda has a difficult diagnosis. Having an avian vet extremely hopeful, perhaps lab results will point in the direction of treatment.
I'm thinking of you guys and praying.
You want to offer her everything she likes to eat especially warm foods. Like oatmeal , cooked mashed sweet potatoes, scrambled or boiled egg..

On trying the baby burd formula, make sure its warm, near yogurt thickness. Yiu csn offer by spoon.
If you hsve a feeding syringe, sometimes poking it through the bars, will have tgrm come investigate, and then you try to drop to them. Or you can gentle corral them while tyey stand with your left arm, and try and come just off center ,barely, of the left of beak tip sbd drip in, mine that liked it right away would swallow and then open beak fir more. The opening to their esophagus is on their right, so coming from the left sort of aims it that way. I go slow and just give a couple if drops in the beak and wait for them to swallow.

Or you can offer in a coffee mug or little dish if she will come and explore and eat on her own.

If she isn't eating at all. And you feel comfortable wrapping her in a towel and trying to drip in her beak you can try that. there are you tube videos you can watch.
You just want to be careful, not to make them choke.

I do hope antibiotics, and pain meds have her feeling a tiny amount better.
Keeping the house warm as yiu csn stand it . And looking fir safe ways to provide supplemental supporting heat, really helps birds. Your aim is get the environment 80-85f
Good morning all, thank you for your concerns do prayers! She made it thru the night. She preferred sleeping under my coat all night, when I tried a couple times to move her, she very slowly, but immediately tried to get back onto my arm and walk to my shoulder to tuck herself into my neck. So I slept on the couch (as much as I could sleep) so that she felt safe, secure and warm. By this morning when I woke up, she moved from under my coat on my left chest, to my right shoulder. I see small improvements, she is not as lethargic, but very weak, she kind of topples not completely over but is very unbalanced. At this point, I can’t get her to take any food and feeding with the syringe, she spits it out. I will keep trying. I am also going to call my bet to see if they can tube feed her this morning, so she gets her energy back. I have a little hope back, but not out of the woods yet. Thank you all so much for your caring and thoughtful words!! You have no idea how much I appreciate you!! Xox
Tiu might need to thicken it up to a more paste like for her to take, play around.
Some birds will take , a video were she made her own
[ame="https://youtu.be/6RvSs_jDtoQ"]How To Take Care of a Sick Bird | Syringe Feeding an African Grey Parrot - YouTube[/ame]

Definitely see what your vet says. Sometimes they are too sick to eat and digest. Penny her first day she was to sick and shocky. I give tgrm 1 day...but after that I think they need the energy food. You can little pea , a couple if pieces if corn..or little bread, or something by hand every couple of hours, she mite take a bite or 2 for you ...warmth peas were liked by my girl....what ever she likes best, abd try tiny amount, Some will take that ehen won't take a whole piece.
Or tge vet tube feeding

Keep us updated on what works and how she is doing
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Oh thank goodness Kuda made it through the night, I am so very happy to hear this! Hoping for a successful visit to the vet and sending more healing wishes and feathered hugs to you both. Fingers crossed for you here!
Hopefully Kuda will begin to eat, and vet receives lab results offering encouraging and treatable diagnosis.

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