Hey Guys new member here!


New member
Oct 12, 2015
I just want to ask a question are macaw good for apartments because I know they do make a lot of noise and need a lot of attention and I do have 3 jobs at the moment so I would not be home much at all is this a good idea buying a macaw or should I just get a smaller quieter bird like cockatiel?
Even though some may disagree with me, I would NOT keep a macaw in an apartment. Even though mine don't do it often or continuously, but when they DO sound off, it's quite....loud. :54: Loud enough where it can easily be heard outside, and that's with fairly new triple pain windows and new siding. Heck, you can actually hear mine clearly across the street when they're 'at' it.
And something to consider. . . even birds known to be "quiet" and "good apartment birds" sometimes just aren't. I cringe every time I hear that terminology applied to African Greys. Mine is as loud as a macaw, and he's not distressed; he's happy, swinging like a monkey, playing, vocalizing, beating up his toys. I can hear him driving up the street with the windows down. You know those party air horns? How loud those are? Well, my Grey honks like that at just about the same loudness. Not all day, certainly, but he CAN do that, and does at least once or twice a day for about 5 to 15 minutes at a time.
Even Amazons!! I am VERY lucky Amy doesn't scream..98% of her vocalization is in "talk" but boy oh boy even talking she is loud,and with the living room windows closed you can clearly hear her in the street.
I think the bottom line is that between lack of time, and lack of personal space, probably not the best time to buy/adopt a bird, IMO.
Lots of great advice offered already. I have to ask though...why do u want a parrot or small bird if you are not home enough to give it attention they need? I'm sorry if you think the question is rude. Three jobs is a lot of time away from home ...is it fair to any animal to be left alone that much? Just saying. I'm sure you have good intentions, but rethinking your decision might be wise IMO...I have 14 non human children of my own and 2 non human children I am taking care of due to lack of owner commitment...I also have two jobs. I get up at 5am every morning. Everyone gets fresh food and out of cage time everyday, by the time I'm done cleaning, socializing, and feeding I run errands, make dinner and shower...I have no time for myself most days...but I'm ok with it. Most of us are like me..but I work at night and my fiancé is home when I leave...if you are lonely I am sorry. But a pet at this time is not wise ..again IMO.
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I see what you guys are saying i really do want a bird as a pet but it wouldn't be fair to the bird and I would feel really bad about leaving it home all day alone in its cage I'm just gonna put it off for anytime when I have more time to dedicate
That's a super unselfish and mature decision. Kudos to you for that. I think you're going to make a wonderful parrot parent someday. I hope you'll stick around and learn and get your "short list" of what parrot you'd like to live with someday.
I agree with OOwl. I commend you for being able to exercise self control and not "impulse" buy like a lot of owners do.

I definitely understand the urge to want to love a parrot and not have time or space! When i was in college i wanted a parrot SOOO bad but I lived in the dorms, went to school full time and worked a job on top of it! however (i do not recommend this) I couldn't help myself and ended up getting the cutest little budgie, thankfully she was extremely quiet and not a single soul had an idea that she was in my dorm o_O. I also made sure that i made at least 2 hours a day MINIMUM to interact with her, which worked out nicely but i definitely had a full schedule even with budgie! No matter the size, no bird is "just a bird". They all need and deserve hours of love and attention EVERY single day of their adorable little lives

the little budgie i had was Andi in my sig <33

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