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I got them in the cage! They were on the top and I walked towards them and kind of used my hand to shoo them in the direction of the door. I've made a discovery though. They dislike my husband very much. Everytime he comes in the room or talks or makes noise of any kind they squawk. I'm wondering if the people they came from abused them..or at least if the man did. Its strange, they do fine around me and my kids, they will eat from my hand and sit at the front of the cage. But when my husband is around..they wont come away from the back side of the cage and they wont come to me. Maybe they'll outgrow this. Goodnight everyone and thank you all so much.
They will probably get used to him and like him fine. Maybe there is something about him that concerns them, like a deep voice, or his height. I hope they weren't abused. He may have to move slower with them and let them take more time to get used to him.

Glad they went in for you, and have a good night!

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