

New member
Feb 19, 2012
Kiwi-3 year old Nanday Conure, Loui-5 year old Gold-capped Conure!
Someone please help me! My husband just bought me 2 conures tonight and I dont think they have ever been handled. The male, is a three year old Nanday Conure and everytime our hands even get close to the cage the feathers around his head and neck area fluff up and he tries to bite. With him came a two year old female sun conure. Her feathers dont fluff up but she does try to bite. They both act as though they have never been handled at all and I want to be able to hold them etc. but not sure of the best way to build trust with them as I'm a first time bird owner. I know that offering food to get them out of the cage can be a bad thing. So what besides that, can I do to get them out of that biting phase? Please help!:orange:
It might have been a good idea for hubby to get some history on the 2 birds. They could have been a breeding pair. (It's Possible) or are aviary birds or they are just scared & need time to settle into their new home. I would suggest you just let them be for the time being, let them both calm down & then very slowly start to handle them if they will allow it.
I would put them in separate cages, but keep them close, and then start clicker training - especially targeting, which is where you'd want to start... After they target all over the cage, you can consider taking them out... one at a time, of course...
Hi and welcome, I to would be fretting if I was in your situation, having never handled birds before.

[FONT=&quot]Top on your list, a visit to an avian vet is a must. Let the birds be checked over, peace of mind for having healthy birds. Were did your hubby purchase the birds from, did they come with papers?

Were the birds together before? if not they will need a quarantine period (each in a separate room for 30 days) If they were together previously I would still suggest a cage for each bird, until they settle down.

The birds must have time to settle down and adjust. Just imagine how many new things the bird has encountered, within the last 24 hours. So many new faces and voices, it must be so scary.
To gain your trust could take days, weeks, months even years. Each and every bird is so different.

Sit near the cage, talking and singing to the birds. Let them become familiar with your voice. Leaving the cage door open, offer them treats through the bars at first. When they willingly accepts them, try placing a treat near the open door. Eventually they will starts taking the treats from the door, make no attempt to touch them. When they do come out, the birds will probably climb around on the cage. Let them explore in their own time. To get the birds back in, place a treat inside the cage, making sure it's visible.

The link below has a wonderful diet especially for conures.

Offer them fresh fruit and veggies, and some plain nuts as well.

Browse around the forum, so many interesting posts which will definitely help you along the way.
Any questions just ask, awesome members active on the forum, always willing to assist.
Good luck

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You have gotten a lot of good advice already.

First, unless you want to breed hybrid conures, you will need to separate them. Otherwise come breeding season this spring you may get an unwanted surprise as they are now both sexually mature. Also they will be much easier to tame if they are in separate cages. Right now they may be bonded to each other, and not real interested in making friends with people. I would try to keep the cages next to each other, or at least as close as you can. Nobody wants to be taken away from their only friend.

If they have never been handled, or not for a long time, it could take a lot of time and patience on your part. Right now they are scared of being in a new home with new people. Sit on the floor to seems smaller and talk to them, sing to them (mellow songs for now). Try to get them to take food from your hands. Eat in front of them so they see the food is safe and yummy. If you have other pets, hold them and pet them in front of the birds. That seemed to be part of what won over my amazon; he was watching me pet the cat on the second day, and after that he started trying to make friends with me. Spend as much time as you can in the room they are in as well. You may find after you leave the room that they start calling for you. That seemed to be the second thing that won over Pete. I went outside for a few hours after he watched me with the cat to replace the brakes on my motorcycle. When I came back in I heard some opera notes. At first I was like, what is that?? Then I came into the front room and said, "Was that you?" and he let out an entire aria for me.

If they talk or do any imitations, say the words or make the imitations back. Don't imitate any fearful screeches though or they will think you are scared of something as well. That worked very well for bonding with both Pete and Merlin for me. Some imitations they make are hard to do, but give it your best shot; they seem to know you are trying to talk to them in their language.
I suggest you get the book Parrots for Dummies. It is an excellent way to learn the care and many needs of companion birds. I still use mine as a reference. There are many safety needs in the home, specific nutritional needs and socializing needs. Yes vet visit first move. We are here to help you in any way.
"I went outside for a few hours after he watched me with the cat to replace the brakes on my motorcycle. When I came back in I heard some opera notes. At first I was like, what is that?? Then I came into the front room and said, "Was that you?" and he let out an entire aria for me."

Oh my goodness!! How awesome was that!!!
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Ok so I was mistaken about a few things. The Sun Conure is the male and he is 2 years old. The female is the Nanday and she is 3. But today I opened the door on the cage and the Sun Conure climbed out and has been sitting on top of the cage. I got an apple and cut it into small pieces and laid it in the palm of my hand. It took a lot of attempts but he will walk from the back of the cage to the front and very gently grab the apple from my hand. This is a good sign isnt it? That he is trusting me enough to approach me for the apple?
Yes, it is. But, remember, baby steps! If you push too hard, or fast, you'll scare the birds. This must go at their own pace.
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His pace is apparently a lot faster than mine. Each time he is done with his apple he gets on the edge of the cage and screams at me until I give him another. He's fairly quiet other than that. But I've been on the phone twice today and each time he screams at me until I hang it up. Is this normal too?? I'm so sorry for asking stupid questions but I'm a first timer here and I've always wanted these beautiful birds and I just dont want to do anything wrong by them.
When it comes to our birds, there are no stupid questions. We all would rather that you ask, instead of doing something wrong, or not healthy for your birds. ;) He's learning that you can be trained to give him apple when he calls. :D
"I went outside for a few hours after he watched me with the cat to replace the brakes on my motorcycle. When I came back in I heard some opera notes. At first I was like, what is that?? Then I came into the front room and said, "Was that you?" and he let out an entire aria for me."

Oh my goodness!! How awesome was that!!!

It was totally awesome! Prior to that he had only growled at me, lol! It was funny, he wanted nothing to do with me after I spent 2 days just sitting there, talking to him and playing with Rowdy and the cat. Then after I went outside he went, "Hey, I miss that chick!"
My birds, particularly my conure, are jealous of the phone. It gets to sit next to my head and I talk to it.
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So the squawking until I hang up is there way of telling me I need to stare and talk to them some more? LOL. At least they arent hanging off the back of the cage screaming at me anymore. They were both on top of the cage for a while and I was getting the Nanday conure to approach me but if i had the apple in my hand she would bite the tips of my fingers instead. I didnt pull away from her but after a few times of this, the Sun conure started trying to nip at my hand. He would act like he was going for the apple but then turn his head slightly and gently pick at my hand and run his tongue over idea what thats about.
My Nanday is always tasting me and my clothes. Just exploring I think. She likes to run all over me and samples all the different materials of what I'm wearing.

Yes, the phone is a rival for their attention! How dare you let it sit there on your shoulder and talk to it?
So the squawking until I hang up is there way of telling me I need to stare and talk to them some more? LOL. At least they arent hanging off the back of the cage screaming at me anymore. They were both on top of the cage for a while and I was getting the Nanday conure to approach me but if i had the apple in my hand she would bite the tips of my fingers instead. I didnt pull away from her but after a few times of this, the Sun conure started trying to nip at my hand. He would act like he was going for the apple but then turn his head slightly and gently pick at my hand and run his tongue over idea what thats about.

Seems like they are settling in nicely. Just take each day as it comes. I would have to say the squawking while on the phone is a bit of a bad habit. Something they have learnt from the previous owner. It's possible you are talking louded than normal to be heard over their noise. Hehehe I know that happens at my house when i am on the phone. Usually the birds win & i have to retreat to another room.:D
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I really want to thank everyone again for all this help. I'm pleased that the birds seem to be coming into their own here with me. I've followed all of this advice and its paying off so far. We just had an incident where they went flying around my house..the Nanday flew into the dining room and when I went after her she landed in my hair and then climbed onto my shoulder. I was tickled about that but was sure it wasnt her being friendly lol. Probably more of a "theres a nice perch" thing. But I was pleased just the same. When they are ready, will they go back into the cage on their own or what? I'm a little nervous about this because they still dont want me to handle them yet. We are making huge strides but not near big enough for me to grab them. What do I need to do to get them back in the cage before bedtime?
No, I think that's a good sign the bird landed on you and climbed down to your shoulder. If it was that scared of you, it would have landed somewhere else for sure, or just flown again to another room, or another spot.

Well, I would see if they will get on your finger or hand and be put back in the cage. If you need to, put a finger over their feet to keep them from flying as you approach the cage. They may go back in themselves because they want to eat or are tired. Or you could try to bribe them in. You know they like the apple. Let them see you with it and see you put it in their cage. Maybe they will go in to get it.
That's really good news. With a bit of luck they may put themselves to bed but you could also direct them to the cage with a bowl of fruit & veg. Or some other treat.

Have you tried to walk towards the cage if they are on your shoulder lean towards the cage & ask them to step up. Usually they will get on the cage no trouble then put the fruit bowl in the cage & when they go in shut the door.
Yes it's normal, try not to respond to the screaming by coming and giving more apple. You'll have yourself trained in no time instead of having the bird trained. It's hard but definitely don't go in if thy are screaming, in an attention getting way. If they scream in a way that makes you think they are hurt then of course that's different.

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