Help with weird tail feather


Active member
Feb 13, 2024
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Cockatiels, Mexican Conure
From what I read on other threads I'm guessing the best route is to let him molt it . But my cheddar boy here has a funky tail feather it's a bit turned and the base (couldn't get a pic of it) has the dry sheath and the feather comes out almost split looking.

It sticks upwards and he doesn't mess with it so I'm hesitant to take it out unless it's recommended
He seems normal as usual
He actually clipped the part that went upwards off himself. Now it's just a crusty feeling sheath with a jank feather coming out
I'm really thinking just let it alone for now. Let's see what others think. I know my baby had his share of jank tail feathers as a young bird!
If you look for professional help...

Certified Avian Vets
If none are near you...
Avian Veterinarians
In my opinion, any of the vets listed here should be better than a regular vet.
International contacts, too.
If none are near you, maybe you could call and ask for a recommendation for somebody in your area.
And... sometimes, distant vets will offer brief thoughts or advice...
Or... sometimes I find a place to start just by Googling "avian veterinarian near ((your location))"
Or maybe a local breeder might help... again, maybe Google?

Another thread on on vets from Terry57...
Oh I should clarify he has an avian vets as all my babies do! They just take time to respond hehe. They agree with letting it molt out

We are calling him our "half assed bird" as he has half a full tail right now

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