Help with rescue B&G

Kristen b

New member
Dec 2, 2024
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Hello all, I have a four year old female B&G I have had her a month and a half or around six weeks. I took in the bird from an elderly woman who could no longer handle her. I am her fourth home
Home(1) original buyers did socialize and play with her but the dad of the house tried to train her like a dog with aloha mindset. They rehomed her to a family member.After 18 months Home(2) had her briefly before giving Rio to his grandma
Home (3) Rio was with Grandma for two years in a cage unhandled. When I got her she immediately took to my boyfriend and lunged at me for the first 48 hours. The boyfriend isn't really into the birds so with just me talking to her, feeding her, taking care of her she quickly warmed up to me. She doesn't really allow pets or scratches, she is a perch potato who occasionally likes to be carried around to look at stuff. she is a footbiter/screecher anytime it is more than just me in the room, and sometimes if I talk to her too much when it is just me and her. I don't mind her being more reserved and not very lovey that's not my problem. Our issue, I have two older daughters 10 & 15. We have had a green cheek for a few years the girls trained him he is a goofy loyal dog bird as we call him. We also have a million other critters they are no stranger to animal care. Rio hates my children. She lunges, screams, wing flaps, Everytime they come into the living room( where Rio has her perch) I've had the girls feed her, sit and talk to her, sing to her, do all the things I do, to no avail. My oldest (15) is autistic the foot biting and screaming is setting her off and she now won't come into the living room without her headphones and hands over her ears but then she can't hear you so she takes them off but then the bird is getting anxious and screeching and it's a mess. How do I get her to at minimum not scream Everytime she sees the kids. My girls are calm, quiet, respectful, they aren't loud, or squealing and laughing. My autistic kiddo is very quiet. Rio is a silent bird until the girls come into the main living area for any reason. If I do get her calm after half an hour of screaming and I can get the kiddos to bear through it rio lunges at them anytime they walk past her to get water or go to the bathroom, she can't reach the girls but she still makes the motions and heaven forbid they stray too close. I am super sad about this as me and Rio have really bonded. Rio is cage free. She gets completely dark quiet time from 6pm to 7am. She eats chop, too many nuts and wheat thins, and mazuri pellets. Thank you for reading all that.

Tldr: I have a four year old rescue who screams at my kids if she isn't screaming she is lunging/bluff lunging at them how do I fix it.
Hello all, I have a four year old female B&G I have had her a month and a half or around six weeks. I took in the bird from an elderly woman who could no longer handle her. I am her fourth home
Home(1) original buyers did socialize and play with her but the dad of the house tried to train her like a dog with aloha mindset. They rehomed her to a family member.After 18 months Home(2) had her briefly before giving Rio to his grandma
Home (3) Rio was with Grandma for two years in a cage unhandled. When I got her she immediately took to my boyfriend and lunged at me for the first 48 hours. The boyfriend isn't really into the birds so with just me talking to her, feeding her, taking care of her she quickly warmed up to me. She doesn't really allow pets or scratches, she is a perch potato who occasionally likes to be carried around to look at stuff. she is a footbiter/screecher anytime it is more than just me in the room, and sometimes if I talk to her too much when it is just me and her. I don't mind her being more reserved and not very lovey that's not my problem. Our issue, I have two older daughters 10 & 15. We have had a green cheek for a few years the girls trained him he is a goofy loyal dog bird as we call him. We also have a million other critters they are no stranger to animal care. Rio hates my children. She lunges, screams, wing flaps, Everytime they come into the living room( where Rio has her perch) I've had the girls feed her, sit and talk to her, sing to her, do all the things I do, to no avail. My oldest (15) is autistic the foot biting and screaming is setting her off and she now won't come into the living room without her headphones and hands over her ears but then she can't hear you so she takes them off but then the bird is getting anxious and screeching and it's a mess. How do I get her to at minimum not scream Everytime she sees the kids. My girls are calm, quiet, respectful, they aren't loud, or squealing and laughing. My autistic kiddo is very quiet. Rio is a silent bird until the girls come into the main living area for any reason. If I do get her calm after half an hour of screaming and I can get the kiddos to bear through it rio lunges at them anytime they walk past her to get water or go to the bathroom, she can't reach the girls but she still makes the motions and heaven forbid they stray too close. I am super sad about this as me and Rio have really bonded. Rio is cage free. She gets completely dark quiet time from 6pm to 7am. She eats chop, too many nuts and wheat thins, and mazuri pellets. Thank you for reading all that.

Tldr: I have a four year old rescue who screams at my kids if she isn't screaming she is lunging/bluff lunging at them how do I fix it.
Keep the Children away ...Your 4 year old rescue made need some quiet time and adjustment to the new environment....The children may be too much too soon and over whelming for your baby...Develope fun and comfort items in the cage and whoever do not stress the bird let them check on the rescue occasionally throughout the day
Mostly for your kids be careful. Those Blue and Gold beaks!

My B&G is bonded to my partner. I am the caretaker, give treats, choufer from perch to perch but Max will lunge at me and bite if I am not on my guard.

I love Max and will always be there for him.
But your sittuation is much more precarious with your children.

Good luck I hope it works out.

it is a slow process...
though honestly I have not made any progress with max in ten years.
Except when my partner is out of town, then max is a sweetheart.
Mostly for your kids be careful. Those Blue and Gold beaks!

My B&G is bonded to my partner. I am the caretaker, give treats, choufer from perch to perch but Max will lunge at me and bite if I am not on my guard.

I love Max and will always be there for him.
But your sittuation is much more precarious with your children.

Good luck I hope it works out.

it is a slow process...
though honestly I have not made any progress with max in ten years.
Except when my partner is out of town, then max is a sweethear

Mostly for your kids be careful. Those Blue and Gold beaks!

My B&G is bonded to my partner. I am the caretaker, give treats, choufer from perch to perch but Max will lunge at me and bite if I am not on my guard.

I love Max and will always be there for him.
But your sittuation is much more precarious with your children.

Good luck I hope it works out.

it is a slow process...
though honestly I have not made any progress with max in ten years.
Except when my partner is out of town, then max is a sweetheart.
Birds are smart..🤣Max is a Sweetheart Partner out of town...If Max has not changed in 10 years . .Just Love Him the way He is ❤️🤗

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