Help with IRN behavior


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Jan 13, 2025
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Indian ring neck
Hello, i’m new here and since my city doesn’t have any good vets i need help with this behavior in my indian ringneck, unknown gender but most likely a male due to his mating dance, he is around 9 months and hasn’t properly had a first molt, (a few pin feathers is all i’ve seen)

Anyway lately he has been having this weird seizure like behavior where he screams and suddenly twitches snd starts glitching and attacking himself (wings snd chest) while screaming, lasts about 15 secs daily around the same time. It has only become daily in the past two weeks and i have no clue why or what it even is. Video is attached. Any help is highly appreciated!
Do you think me might have mites and when he feels them he tries to attack them? I'm probably wrong but it's all I could think of other than he has new pinfeathers coming in and he feels them poking through the skin and it's bothering him.
Do you think me might have mites and when he feels them he tries to attack them? I'm probably wrong but it's all I could think of other than he has new pinfeathers coming in and he feels them poking through the skin and it's bothering him.
I don’t think so because i haven’t seen a single symptom regarding that, do u not think its a health issue?
I don't know but I consider both mites and pinfeathers "health issues". An avian vet can examine his skin under his wings and other areas that he attacks to rule out these two things and give an overall health check.

I wouldn't call what he does a seizure. A bird having a seizure would lose consciousness I would think. Yours just looks momentarily bothered by something.

Does he get out of cage time? His cage looks small and I don't see any toys.
I don't know but I consider both mites and pinfeathers "health issues". An avian vet can examine his skin under his wings and other areas that he attacks to rule out these two things and give an overall health check.

I wouldn't call what he does a seizure. A bird having a seizure would lose consciousness I would think. Yours just looks momentarily bothered by something.

Does he get out of cage time? His cage looks small and I don't see any toys.
Oh i’ll make sure he checks under the wing alright, and no his cage is very big but i had to crop the video so it fits, i change his 2-4 toys daily to keep him excited and interested, he’s just sitting on top and i cropped the entire cage to make the video fit in size to be uploaded here, and he gets 2 hour out of cage time as he’s still not able to fly well because he had his feathers taped when i got him and he isn’t familiar with my house fully yet. I’ve had him for 5 months now
I hope his wings aren't taped anymore. Are you going to be able to get him seen by an avian veterinarian? It sounds like you are taking really good care of him.
I hope his wings aren't taped anymore. Are you going to be able to get him seen by an avian veterinarian? It sounds like you are taking really good care of him.
They aren’t, he managed to take the tape off but when i let him fly he kept crashing into windows/mirrors/and falling down which caused me to keep him caged for his safety until i can help him with flying better. And he already has been to the vet multiple times but i am not convinced with the Dr’s answer regarding this issue. He just said it’s a mini seizure because of Magnesium or Vit D deficiency and i dont know what to do to help him, i dont believe that it’s a deficiency because he eats vegetables all day and about 3 tablespoons of Harrison’s fine pellets. He also had a liver enlargement when i first got him due to his sunflower seed only diet, and he started changing his colors to bright yellow patches on his back, one of his eyes is also not normal as in the iris shape is irregular and therefore that eye seems dark or heterochromatic because his other eye is light blue. So many things to look at and consider and im practically lost because of the huge amount of things as a first time bird owner🥹
Regarding flying- the only way he's going to learn to fly and learn the room is to do it- with all the crashes and falls he will learn. Make sure your window blinds or drapes are closed and mirrors are covered if you can do it. Drape a towel over them if you can. He will never learn in even a very large cage. Just supervise him and rescue him as needed. NO OPEN DOORS. WINDOWS OR RUNNING CIELING FANS! You think he can't fly but with a large enough running start to take off, he could easily surprise you and fly away!

Is he hand or stick tame/trained? Do you handle him at all? If not, you should try to train him to sit on your hand or a stick inside his cage first before you let him out.

Are you and his vet sure he isn't blind in one eye? A parrot with one useful eye will do fine but it may explain his lack of coordination.

I'd try to get a second opinion from another avian vet, even if you have to drive some distance. His diet is excellent. Harrison's is one of the best complete pelleted diets and the veggies are terrific. I would NOT give him supplements because they can be toxic especially vitamins A and D which are fat soluble. Birds do best if they are exposed to some unfiltered (not through glass) direct sunlight. It helps with vitamin D absorption but your climate may not allow it year round. If you can, and weather permits roll his cage outside somewhere safe and secure from predators or theft or out on a balcony for a couple hours a few times a week.

He may have a neurological problem and there may not be anything you can do other than give him a good home like you have. Good luck!
Sometimes an avian vet will understand the location problem and offer a video visit, call them and see. I agree this is not a seizure, more like something is irritating him in that area. I am really hesitant to accept medical advice from regular dog/cat vets, as they lack the thorough training an avian certified one has. Make sure he is getting plenty of baths or showers - those can help a lot with itchy or irritating new feathers coming in. 2X a week would be good!
Regarding flying- the only way he's going to learn to fly and learn the room is to do it- with all the crashes and falls he will learn. Make sure your window blinds or drapes are closed and mirrors are covered if you can do it. Drape a towel over them if you can. He will never learn in even a very large cage. Just supervise him and rescue him as needed. NO OPEN DOORS. WINDOWS OR RUNNING CIELING FANS! You think he can't fly but with a large enough running start to take off, he could easily surprise you and fly away!

Is he hand or stick tame/trained? Do you handle him at all? If not, you should try to train him to sit on your hand or a stick inside his cage first before you let him out.

Are you and his vet sure he isn't blind in one eye? A parrot with one useful eye will do fine but it may explain his lack of coordination.

I'd try to get a second opinion from another avian vet, even if you have to drive some distance. His diet is excellent. Harrison's is one of the best complete pelleted diets and the veggies are terrific. I would NOT give him supplements because they can be toxic especially vitamins A and D which are fat soluble. Birds do best if they are exposed to some unfiltered (not through glass) direct sunlight. It helps with vitamin D absorption but your climate may not allow it year round. If you can, and weather permits roll his cage outside somewhere safe and secure from predators or theft or out on a balcony for a couple hours a few times a week.

He may have a neurological problem and there may not be anything you can do other than give him a good home like you have. Good luck!
Sorry for the very late reply! I have already done that and instead of covering mirrors and windows i started showing him by handling him on my hand snd showing him that its a window and he surprised me shortly after by flying towards it and changing his direction away from it when he got nearby! , i target train him but he’s still very bitey and therefore cant teach him all the tricks i see online because he thinks im attacking him. Though he’s perfectly fine with my hand.
As for his vision i am not sure but my vet reassured me because he’s saw him aware and using both eyes instead of rotating himself to see with the normal eye so he just told me it’s normal. No other good avian vets around :(

I got him powdered vitamins but still didn’t try it, and the weather is wayyy too cold to let him out :(

Thank you for all this really as you reassured me and made me feel better.

One more thing, is it okay that he eats corn cobs almost everyday? He eats one cob on two days, i think its not good but my friend says its fine.
Sometimes an avian vet will understand the location problem and offer a video visit, call them and see. I agree this is not a seizure, more like something is irritating him in that area. I am really hesitant to accept medical advice from regular dog/cat vets, as they lack the thorough training an avian certified one has. Make sure he is getting plenty of baths or showers - those can help a lot with itchy or irritating new feathers coming in. 2X a week would be good!
I took him to an avian vet and he’s the only good one around and i just dont know if im overthinking all this cause its my first time.
But thanks for the confirmation regarding the seizures as it really had me worried, he stopped doing that since 10 days now.
I also shower him 2-3 times a week depending on my energy, but he also refuses to shower outside the cage, he only bathes when im cleaning his age, he doesnt accept a bowl or a tray or a sink or even the shower (if outside the cage)

It’s really frustrating not to understand how to help or teach him but i’m slowly learning, any tips to help with the bathing would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

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