Help with International Relocation!


New member
Sep 28, 2020
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A 4MO cinnamon GCC named monkey
Hi all,

I am currently located in Los Angeles, California and I will be moving permanently to Ukraine in about 6-8 months. I have a one year old male cockatiel and a 3 year old green cheek female that need to come with me.

I have started to do my research but it turns out this topic is incredibly complicated if not working with a bird relocation company. Working with a company would be great and doable if I only had one bird but I simply can not afford to pay $3,000+ per bird to be transported.

My question is, does anyone know or have a clear resource about ALL paperwork, permits, etc needed to transport birds from USA to Poland, Moldova, or neighboring countries? Although my final destination is Ukraine, since air travel is prohibited to the country currently my family and I have taken flights to Poland or neighboring countries and taken bus through the border to Ukraine.

The birds ideally will be in cabin with me and a family member (since most air lines have a one per per person rule). But I need immense help with permits and all paperwork needed for export from USA and import to Europe.

Any help is greatly appreciated!!
While I do not have any particular advice for you myself, another of our members did take a pet parrot with her to Japan not so long ago. Obviously Europe may be quite different, and this post may not address all of your questions, including how hard/easy it might be to bring your birds back to the States should you need to. But it may give you a good starting point for some of the requirements of international travel with a parrot ...

Hopefully somebody else may weigh in with some more info for you. Best of luck!!
Traveling internationally with a parrot is an object lesson in both frustration and insane levels of difficulty. You will want to contact all countries you will be traveling to/through. And work closely with your selected airline, they each have their own rules and regulations. You may be required to put the birds into a quarantine, possibly as much as 30 days. All their shots and medical history will need to be well documented and up to date. Good luck!
The process can take up to a year and with that there are no guarantees you will be allowed to cross into Ukraine with a Parrot.

Since, your flight will be into Poland and with hope, crossing into the Ukraine. You should target Poland as your destination. Your want a straight flight from the US to Poland. That Airline will have near all the Paperwork you will need to complete for 'a' Parrot. NOTE: Traveling /Crossing Boards with more than a single Parrot may not be possible as you can be seen as an Importer /exporter, which will require a license!! Verification for the number of pets (Parrots) you can take needs to be locked in early.

Health Check: Near all Western and most all Eastern Europe requires a document of Health from a Certified Avian Vet! Nothing less! That can take from three to six weeks in advance of your flight depending on the quarantine requirements for the country you are flighting into. Normally, the quarantine is completed in your home and the CAV will be visiting on a predetermined schedule and 'if' your parrot completes the quarantine period. the CAV will provide a document of health.

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