Help with finding a certain toy


New member
Jan 18, 2013
Nashville TN
Parker male BF Amazon hatched 5/2/2012
Charlie unsexed BF Amazon hatched 1994?
Juno Female BH Caique Hatched 6-3-2013
Looking for an 8 inch ish acrylic ring hanging from a chain. Like the rope ones but made of acrylic instead. My friends yellow nape loves to swing but he destroys the rope ones super quick. The only thing I have found that is close to what I am looking for is on the UK ebay site but they won't deliver to the is a triple ring but I could just remove the extra 2 rings.
You could check in a craft shop or thrift shop to see if you could find acrylic bag-handles to suit your purpose?
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Not sure if it has to be a ring shape...thats just what my friend described

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