Help with egg laying Eclectus


New member
Sep 24, 2022
Eclectus & Blue & Gold Macaw
Hi all, having some problems with my girl laying eggs. She had laid 2 back in August, sat on the eggs for a month or so and seemed to be back to normal, back on her regular perch, etc. The vet gave her calcium which I give her once per day, it has about 3 weeks left as of this post. Her appetite and energy all seemed fine. Fast forward to last week, her droppings were almost all liquid and I could tell she had another egg coming. I was concerned about her droppings because it stayed that way for a couple of days, so I brought her back to the vet last Saturday. The vet could not find any issue other than she "probably" had more eggs. He put her on Baytril (anti-biotic) as a precaution in case the watery droppings were due to some kind of infection. She laid one egg a day after that visit and a second egg 2 days ago, both of the eggs looked normal and had no soft spots, etc. She seemed to be fine and her droppings returned to normal on Thursday. Her weight was also normal, (I check it every couple of days and have for years). I noticed this morning she seems to be having a hard time stepping up, especially with her right leg. She does seem to be eating and drinking like normal but I am now worried about her mobility. I admit to worrying a lot more than I need to most of the time, but I think she has a third egg and might be getting exhausted or having other issues due to the eggs. Do and of you have any suggestions or thoughts on what I can do for her? I am trying to get her into the vet tomorrow(nothing available today anywhere) but I am just curious if any of you have had to deal with this before? Thank you and sorry for writing a novel.
I know little about breeding, and less about Ekkies...
maybe this will help?
Certified Avian Vets
If none are near you...
Avian Veterinarians
In my opinion, any of the vets listed here should be better than a regular vet.
International contacts, too.
If none are near you, maybe you could call and ask for a recommendation for somebody in your area.
And... sometimes, distant vets will offer brief thoughts or advice...

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