Help with budgie and macaw chicks temperatures


New member
Feb 19, 2022
I dont own any macaws but i was just wondering what temperature do you need to keep the chicks at when hand rearing from day one. Also i was wondering the same about budgies. Does anyone have charts for the 2 species also including how often to feed ( I know how much to feed is 10% of the body weight ).
Newly hatched chicks need to be maintained at 95°F for the first week of their lives. After the first week, chicks can tolerate temperatures 5°F cooler for each week until they are four weeks old. In other words, one week old chicks can tolerate 90°F and two week old chicks can tolerate 85°F.

MOD EDIT: Information above has been excerpted from the following webpage ...

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Tysm! Also, how would you know how thin or thick to keep the formula? And what would the humidity need to be? Also, I know that the formula starts off very thin and gets thicker as the chick gets older so that it can eventually be weaned. I have also seen something about the humidity being around 40-50% but I'm not sure, so I wanted to check with you guys. Thanks again!
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Hmm. If you are coming here for this basic info, do you really think you are ready to breed parrots of any sort?
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Hmm. If you are coming here for this basic info, do you really think you are ready to breed parrots of any sort?
Im not going to even try breeding them right now, I know im not ready yet, im just curious and cant find the answers anywhere else so im asking you guys. I wouldnt try breeding parrots with such little knowledge, so much can go wrong and i know that. I have budgies but I let them breed if they want to, I dont interfere with it. If a chick is struggling, I leave it with the parents because I know i cant do anything and I think I should let them do it themselves. They are pets, not breeding pairs
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